Google Arts & Culture

🗿Google Arts & Culture

Resourceful tool that allows for students to see artifacts, art, and historical locations from their classroom. The museum visits come to you.

  • Google Arts & Culture is a virtual museum visit full of artifacts, documents, and detailed information that bring the lessons to life.

  • This program allows the students to be transported from their classroom into museums around the world.

  • The collections are full of resources from artifacts, images, documents, and documentaries that provide a full picture of the lessons being taught.

Historical Artifacts & Knowledge

Google Arts & Culture has collections of historical images, documents, videos, and resources that allow students to see and gain additional information on a multitude of topics.

Bringing the Museum to the Classroom

The students love to explore the images and stories that would be shared during a live museum visit. The information provided with the resources allows the teacher to curate the visit and transport them virtually from their classrooms to world class museums.

Collection of Artifacts & Knowledge

The collections on Google Arts & Culture can include video documentaries broken into segments with images of artifacts and documents to enhance the learning.