Class Expectations

Course Work Expectations

The typical course work expectations are common along the lines that you have experienced in other classrooms. They are not typically as surprise to you as a student. Essentially we follow a professional attitude of respect and honesty.

  • Students are expected to arrived for class on time and prepared to take part in the course work and activities.
  • Students are expected to adhere to the school, district, and classroom rules and guidelines regarding conduct.
  • Students are responsible for their own work and will demonstrate only constructive criticism when critiquing each others assignments or during peer reviews.
  • As these are CTE (Career and Technical Courses) you are expected to demonstrate a professional demeanor and be polite and courteous to each other, instructors, guests, student teachers, substitutes, and of course school administration.

Online and Canvas Expectations

Collaboration and Discussion among the students is not only expected but a requirement. To disagree with someone is not only normal but must happen for good discussion and decisions to be made. Students will collaborate and have online discussions. In these students are required to maintain a polite and courteous attitude. "Snarky", rude, crude, demeaning, or other forms of snide comments will not be tolerated and will result in the removal of postings and a forfeiture of points and potentially a request to find an alternate course as these are elective courses and students are expected to develop professional practices and skills.

It is absolutely appropriate to disagree you just need to converse and discuss differences. Both sides can be correct especially in matters of taste and aesthetics. Everyone should have an opinion and be welcomed for it. To paraphrase Mr Stephan Covey, Seek first to understand then to be understood."

Digital Citizenship in the classroom see ISTE Standard 2B and 2C

References and Sources

Research and development of ideas will be an integral part of the courses we will be working in. Proper citation of your materials is important and required. The course standard is to use the current APA citations. Additionally, all images must either be a student created image; which is preferred, from the public domain, or properly cited. We must be mindful to give credit to those whose intellectual property the text or image is.

In our current technological setting it is very easy to search a topic and find; potentially, massive amounts of information and images, plans or other data. We learn from doing, reading, seeing, and of course listening to what others have done or expanding upon these things. This is for the most part the key to good design and development of ideas. We give credit to those that deserve it and show where our ideas developed from so that hopefully we can do more and learn more.

Finally, all of our work that is not a physical model will be submitted through our "Digital Learning Management System." As a part of this papers are processed through a plagiarism clearing house. Plagiarizing an others work is the same as stealing from that person. If this occurs the school behavioral polices will be followed as well as those included in the course disclosure that each student and their guardian signed signifying their understanding and acceptance.

Global Collaborator in the classroom ISTE Standard 7A

All images not personally produced for our course work on this site are public domain and are used for only educational purposes only. No monetary gain is or will be taken form this site.