How Can I Support My Child in Reading Recovery?

Things you can do at home to support your child in Reading Recovery

PARENTS ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF THE READING RECOVERY PROGRAM! Read to your child every day. Each day the students will bring home several books. Parents help by listening to their child read, and assist by encouraging them to use cues to problem-solve rather than giving answers. Students will also be bringing home a cut-up story each day. Parents help (if necessary) to reassemble and reread the story.


How to Help Your Child with Reading

Each day your child will be bringing home books to share with you. Since parental involvement is part of what makes the Reading Recovery program successful, here are some tips to use while supporting your child's reading efforts.

Give your child time to make an attempt on an unknown word. A few seconds of uninterrupted wait time is important - it allows the reader time to think and process what is known, and possibly make connections to the unknown.

When your child gets stuck, you may ask questions or make statements that help focus on the text or direct attention to known details of print:

"What would make sense here?"

"Try that again."

"What do you think that word might be?"

"Look at how that word begins. Can you start the word?"

"Look at the picture. Can that help you?"

If the child is unable to figure the word out in a few seconds, tell the child the word. A struggling reader is uncomfortable. You support the child's efforts by telling the word and maintaining the comfort level.

Accentuate the positive! When children feel good about their reading, they want to read more. The more they read, the better readers they become. Your loving support encourages and assists your child as an emerging reader.

Eliminate the negative! Rather than pointing out error, comment on what is done correctly.

"I like the way your reading sounds like talking!"

"I like the way you noticed that was wrong and fixed it!"

"I like the way you reread that to check it!"

A good attempt deserves praise too! Even though it may be incorrect, saying "I like the way you tried to work on that!" is positive feedback to encourage further attempts.

If you notice frustration, acknowledge the child's efforts. Do not hesitate to let your child know that you appreciate their hard work. Children (just like us) love to hear positive feedback.