Research each event and understand what it was and the effects of the US involvement in it. Then, complete a Storyboard comparing an event and consequences of several of America’s foreign policy initiatives in the modern world. Each panel should include an appropriate graphic, and a detailed description of each event.

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Camp David Accords (1978)

keywords: camp david accords, Egypt–Israel peace treaty

Google Arts & Culture : Camp David Accords

Middle East Peace: What can we Learn from Camp David 40 Years Later?

Egypt and Israel Sign Formal Treaty, Ending a State of War After 30 Years; Sadat and Begin Praise Carter's Role

Two Weeks at Camp David | History| Smithsonian Magazine

American involvement with Iran (1979)

keywords: Iranian Revolution, Iranian Hostage Crisis

Google Arts & Culture : Iranian Revolution

Google Arts & Culture : The Iran Hostage Crisis

World politics explainer: the Iranian Revolution

US-Iran relations: A brief history - BBC News

The Iran-Contra Affair | Miller Center

Iran Contra (1985)

keywords: Iran-Contra affair

The Iran-Contra Affair | Miller Center

Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs

The Iran-contra scandal, 25 years later |

The invasion of Panama (1989)

keywords: us invasion of panama, Operation Just Cause

Google Arts & Culture : The United States Invasion of Panama

BBC : Panama invasion: The US operation that ousted Noriega 

The long battle between the United States and General Manuel Noriega | CBC Archives

Manuel Noriega, the Invasion of Panama and How George H.W. Bush Misled America

The Persian Gulf War (1990)

keywords: persian gulf war, operation desert shield, operation desert storm, gulf war

Google Arts & Culture : Gulf War

The Gulf War | FRONTLINE | PBS

The Atlantic : Operation Desert Storm: 25 Years Since the First Gulf War

Twenty Years Later, First Iraq War Still Resonates : NPR

The Lessons of the First Gulf War Still Linger 25 Years on

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