Philosophy of Education

Curriculum : foundations, principles, and issues (7th edition)/ by Francis P. Hunkins Allan C. Ornstein

Gives current and future administrators a balanced, comprehensive view of the entire field of curriculum, which encourages readers to consider choices and formulate their own views on curriculum foundations, principles, and issues .

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Philosophy of Education (Dimensions of Personality) / by Nel Noddings

Our nation’s schools have always been contested turf but perhaps never more so than in today’s volatile environment. Educational policy and educational values have never been more controversial, and the schools themselves are under attack from many different directions.The role of philosophy of education in such an environment is not to dictate answers. Rather, it must foster understanding of the philosophical issues underlying contemporary debates. In this survey, Nel Noddings provides the essential background necessary for a more sophisticated and nuanced comprehension of the issues.

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Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory

This encyclopaedia is a dynamic reference and study place for students, teachers, researchers and professionals in the field of education, philosophy and social sciences, offering both short and long entries on topics of theoretical and practical interest in educational theory and philosophy by authoritative world scholars representing the full ambit of education as a rapidly expanding global field of knowledge and expertise.

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The Importance of Philosophy in Teacher Education Mapping the Decline and Its Consequences

The Importance of Philosophy in Teacher Education maps the gradual decline of philosophy as a central, integrated part of educational studies. Chapters consider how this decline has impacted teacher education and practice, offering new directions for the reintegration of philosophical thinking in teacher preparation and development. Touching on key points in history, this valuable collection of chapters accurately appraises the global decline of philosophy of education in teacher education programs and seeks to understand the external and endemic causes of changed attitudes towards a discipline which was once assigned such a central place in teacher education.

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Past, Present, and Future Possibilities for Philosophy and History of Education: Finding Space and Time for Research

On the occasion of the retirement of Paul Smeyers, this book considers the state and status of the state of the philosophy and history of education today. Over the last 20 years, the conditions in which research takes place have changed considerably. They have done so in ways that are often less than favourable to disciplines such as history and philosophy of education, and the space and time for the practices that constitute these disciplines – of reading, of writing, of collegiality – is increasingly under pressure.

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International Handbook of Philosophy of Education

This handbook presents a comprehensive introduction to the core areas of philosophy of education combined with an up-to-date selection of the central themes. It includes 95 newly commissioned articles that focus on and advance key arguments; each essay incorporates essential background material serving to clarify the history and logic of the relevant topic, examining the status quo of the discipline with respect to the topic, and discussing the possible futures of the field. The book provides a state-of-the-art overview of philosophy of education, covering a range of topics:

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The Joy of Not Knowing: A Philosophy of Education Transforming Teaching, Thinking, Learning and Leadership in Schools

This book takes every aspect of the curriculum and of school life and transforms it into a personalised, meaningful and enjoyable experience for all. It offers readers an innovative, theoretical and practical guide to establish a values-based, enquiry-led and challenge-rich learning to learn approach to teaching and learning and to school leadership.

This thought-provoking guide provides the reader with a wealth of whole-class, easy-to-implement, malleable, practical ideas and case studies that can be personalised to the vision of each setting, age-group and curriculum. It brings together, as a whole-school framework, the strategies that have been shown to have the greatest impact on practitioner’s professional fulfilment and on children’s life chances, love of learning, intrinsic motivation and enthusiasm for wanting to know.

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Philosophy in Educational Research: Epistemology, Ethics, Politics and Quality

This book provides critical and reflective discussions of a wide range of issues arising in education at the interface between philosophy, research, policy and practice. It addresses epistemological questions about the intellectual resources that underpin educational research, explores the relationship between philosophy and educational research, and examines debates about truth and truthfulness in educational research.

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Wacana falsafah ilmu: analisis konsep-konsep asas dan falsafah pendidikan negara/ Abdul Rahman Haji Abdullah.

BUKU ini membahaskan tentang persoalan ilmu berdasarkan tiga komponen utama dalam falsafah: ontologi, epistemologi dan aksiologi. Perbincangan tentang ilmu dan thaqafah (pengetahuan) ini sangat menarik. Adakah ilmu dan pengetahuan satu pengertian yang sama atau sebaliknya? Atau pengetahuan merupakan terjemahan dari perkataan ilmu. Ada juga pihak yang berpendapat bahawa pengetahuan biasa (ordinary knowledge) yakni pengetahuan tentang hal hal biasa saja. Manakala pengetahuan ilmiah (scientific knowledge) iaitu pengetahuan yang tersusun atau sistematik, serta mempunyai kaedah atau metodologi tertentu yang dapat disebut sebagai ilmu

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Inilah Kurikulum Sekolah/ Ishak Ramly

Kurikulum adalah ilmu teras dalam bidang pendidikan. Ia penting dalam mencorak masyarakat akan datang. Oleh itu, kebanyakan negara maju berusaha membangunkan kurikulum sejajar dengan keperluan dan matlamat pembangunan negaranya. Buku ini menerangkan kepada pembaca hakikat sebenar kurikulum khususnya di Malaysia. Menceritakan perkembangan kurikulum bagi setiap zaman, konsep dan teori kurikulum serta tujuan pelaksanaannya. Penulis memberikan contoh terkini bagi menjelaskan lagi program kurikulum di Malaysia.

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Pembelajaran Secara Konstruktivisme/ Pusat_Perkembangan_Kurikulum_Kementerian

Kurikulum adalah ilmu teras dalam bidang pendidikan. Ia penting dalam mencorak masyarakat akan datang. Oleh itu, kebanyakan negara maju berusaha membangunkan kurikulum sejajar dengan keperluan dan matlamat pembangunan negaranya. Buku ini menerangkan kepada pembaca hakikat sebenar kurikulum khususnya di Malaysia. Menceritakan perkembangan kurikulum bagi setiap zaman, konsep dan teori kurikulum serta tujuan pelaksanaannya. Penulis memberikan contoh terkini bagi menjelaskan lagi program kurikulum di Malaysia.

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