The MUN group is excited to announce that SISMUN will be held on February 2nd 2024. The website can be used by teachers, students and parents to receive information on MUN procedures, the topics, chair trainings/procedure, SISMUN, as well anything MUN related. 

What is MUN?

Model United Nations (MUN) is the academic version of the United Nations. In MUN students are encouraged to research, discuss, and eventually debate modern and relevant global topics in an organised conference. SISMUN has been a tradition for 10+ years and stimulates students to engage in global discussions, whilst also nurturing vital skills like collaboration, confidence, and public speaking.

In the conferences, students are given a country and are thereby representatives of this nation, making them delegates. Delegates are the heart of the debate. From conducting thorough research, delegates will take the stance of the nation they represent and debate all upcoming subtopics, motions, and clauses in the conference. Led by the Chairs, leaders of the debate, delegates will hold an engaging, enthusiastic, and passionate discourse on the chosen topic, thereafter forming resolutions to conclude the conference!   

Click here to read about SISMUN 2024 topics! We have two topics for Friday which all students (8th grade and up) will participate in, and one for Saturday that those who attend MUN as an enrichment will part take in. 

Want to read about which students are incharge of this SISMUN 2024? Read about us at our meet the team page! 

Are you new to MUN? Do you want some extra tips? Click the button above to go to our "Tips" page! Here delegates and chairs can get a rundown of procedures for the conference! 

6th and 7th graders will also have the opportunity to part take in some debating at SISMUN 2024! Read about our mini-mun here!