Year 1

Welcome back, everyone! We hope that you and your children had a wonderful break and are now eager to continue the exciting year at Rockliffe Manor. We are thrilled to present the Year 1 curriculum newsletter for the Summer Term, where you can explore the incredible learning opportunities that await your children during this upcoming period. You will also see the words that will be used for the spelling assessments this half term.


The English learning will be focussed around the book "Dougal's Deep Sea Diary"  which is a book that follows the underwater adventures of a man named Dougal. With vibrant illustrations, the book will enable children to dive into the main character's underwater world and learn about fascinating marine creatures. Throughout the English learning journey, the children will be using descriptive language to describe characters and settings.


In maths this half term, the children will be focussing on the topic of multiplication and division by counting in equal groups, creating arrays and sharing equally.  In addition to that, the children will be learning about fractions mainly focussing on identifying and finding a half, 1 quarter and three quarters of shapes and amounts. Real life application and reasoning are essential aspect of the maths curriculum so the children will be solving problems to make links to real life contexts.


In science this half term, Year 1 will be learning about animals including humans. The children will be identifying a variety of animals and will classify them acording to their features. They will learn that animals are living things that can be grouped based on where they live, how they reproduce and based on what they eat. In terms of humans, the children will be identifying their body parts and sense related to them. 

     Knowledge Organiser


In Geography, children will continue to learn about coast in the UK and how we can protect them from pollution. The children will identify the oceans of the world and we will be researching how plastic pollution harms wildlife and what actions we can take to stop it.

Knowledge Organiser 


In RE year 1 will be learning about Islam and important beliefs within this faith.  Throughout the learning journey, we will be learning about religious stories and how we can show kindness in our school and community. 

 Knowledge Organiser 


In DT this half term, we will be learning about textiles focussing on the skill of weaving. As part of their learning journey, the children will be experimenting with different types of weaving styles and they will use equipment and materials to collectively weave a blanket. 

 Knowledge Organiser 



In Computing, we will be learning to present a story in different ways through a mindmap, fact file or quiz. The children will be using application on purple mash to create their own quiz based on a traditional tale. The children will also create a presentation which they will share with their peers.  


This half term,  we wiil be focusing on the topic of athletics. The children will use a variety of different movemtns and speed as well as develop  listening skills and quick reactions. The children will have opportunities to work in smalll groups taking turns.


In RHE, we will be learning about Economic Wellbeing. Within this unit, the children will be considering what money is and it helps us. They will be exploring various ways of keeping money safe as well as reflecting on the role of banks within that. The will chidlren will differentiate between spending and saving money.


In Music, we will be exploring a variety of songs and experiment with finding the pulse. We will listening carefully to the songs to identify the beats and then will play simple rhythmic patterns using long and short sounds. We will also be singing a melody that travels up and down. 
