WP5 - Impact

The aim of this work package is to maximise the impact on an extended community and of the outputs in a medium and long term coming from this JRP. The impact will be effectively realised by a continuous knowledge transfer to our stakeholders, including the External Partners, other academic research groups, and commercial companies involved in the fields of Quantum Information Processing and Communication, microwave detectors and cryogenic electronics. A Stakeholder Group (SG) will be formed by contacting potentially interested persons, and will be extended to anyone/any institutes that are interested in our project results. The stakeholders’ community will have premature access to our results through the SG member-only area of the JRP website, open-access research-journal publications, technical articles, conference/workshop presentations, and the Good Practice Guides. Moreover, the regularly updated Publishable Summary will be shared with the Stakeholder Group to gather their comments/advice on the progress of this project. Training material and the Good Practice Guide will be collected into the website covering all the aspects regarding modelling of our amplifier and proper design and testing together with the coupling with quantum sensors and single microwave photon sources. An international workshop covering the parametric microwave amplifiers and on-chip microwave quantum optics will be organised towards the end of the project, in order to disseminate the JRP results to stakeholders.