(Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports)

Independence Local School District has created a district-wide set of student expectations called, 'Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports' or 'PBIS'. We have implemented this proactive program to help our students have a safe, positive learning environment and to provide consistency in all areas of our school.

Our school pledge:

'I am an I-Pride kid. I'm positive, respectful, dependable, empowered. I am an I-Pride kid!'

In order to teach these skills to our youngest learners, PBIS at the Independence Primary School Preschool program focuses on:

'Be kind, Be Responsible, Be safe.'

In order to build our classroom family, we've compiled a list of classroom rules that will allow everyone to make great choices, using positive language.

1. Eyes watching - keep your eyes on your teachers or friends when they're communicating with you; keep your eyes in front while walking in line.

2. Ears listening - make sure you're always listening closely to the adult or friend talking in class.

3. Voices quiet - use quiet voices inside; say friendly things to your classmates ("I like your shirt"; "Can I have a turn with that?").

4. Body Calm - hands and feet to self; ask before borrowing a toy; shake a friend's hand or offer them a hug; gently tap someone on the shoulder if they can't hear or see you.

5. Walking feet - make sure to walk in the classroom and hallways.

When you have the chance, go over these with your child and try to carry them over to home as well. The more we're all on the same page, the better chance our students have of moving forward successfully!

Our Preschool Program utilized the Second Step Curriculum for Social Emotional Skills in the Early Learning Environment.

Second Step Curriculum