Registration and Abstract submission

Abstract submission:

The abstract submission is now close. We will communicate the selected contributions by mid-July 2021.

Registration fee :

The conference will be held in Cagliari both in presence and in live-streaming on 20-24 September 2021. We kindly ask you to fill-in the final registration form and to proceed with the payment of the conference fee before August 31, 2021. Note that we have extended the registration deadline from August 25 to August 31 to give participants more time to make their decisions about attending on-site or remotely.

The registration fee for attending in presence is 250 euros. It covers the participation in the entire scientific conference at the Theater of the Palazzo Doglio in Cagliari (from Monday morning to Friday at 1 p.m.), the coffee breaks, the welcome cocktail on Monday evening and the social lunch on Friday.

Depending on COVID restrictions, it will be possible to register for the excursions at an additional cost. Information will come in due time.

The registration fee for attending remotely is 80 euros. It includes a good technical service with a cameraperson and a technician to ensure the possibility to participate in the conference live-streaming via Zoom and to see the entire registered conference a few hours after each session.

Payment for the conference registration has to be made by bank transfer in euros or by credit card.

Please, use the following bank account details to proceed with the bank transfer:

Bank Transfer to: Kassiopea Group srl

Bank: BNL

IBAN: IT34L0100544100000000003355


REF.: MICROQUASAR2021+ First name and Last name

Note that bank transfer fees may be applied. Registration will be confirmed after receiving the full payment of the fee.

If you want to pay by credit card, please download and fill in this form and fax it or e-mail it to the Organizing Secretariat Kassiopea Group Srl, Via San Tommaso d’Aquino, 20 – 09134 Cagliari, at +39 70 656263 – e-mail : Note that American Express cards are not accepted.

Important note for participants from Italian institutes:

EN: Participants with payment VAT exempted must necessarily have the authorization from the institution before submitting the registration. The invoice data are the one of the institution.

IT: Qualora si richieda la fattura intestata ad un Ente Pubblico, il partecipante non deve effettuare il pagamento della quota di iscrizione a meno che non sia espressamente autorizzato dallo stesso Ente che dovrà comunicare l'importo da corrispondere e dovrà inviare alla Kassiopea Group la dichiarazione di adesione allo split payment o di esenzione IVA.

For more information and assistance, please contact the registration secretariat:

In case you need an Invitation Letter for your VISA please contact the LOC.

Funding application:

Depending on the available funds, we will try to provide partial travel support or a reduced fee to students and people from disadvantaged countries who are attending the workshop. If you are interested, we ask you to send an email at the SOC with subject "Application for reduced fee" with a brief explanation of the reason. If you are a student, please include a short recommendation email from your supervisor. We will let you know as soon as we know the availability of funds.