Scientific PROGRAM

The scientific program is now available:

Main topics of the scientific program:

Multi-wavelength observations of Binaries (Galactic and Extragalactic)

  • Accretion/ejection physics

  • Organization of multi-wavelength follow-ups

  • Evolution of the accretion/ejection during state transitions

  • Multi-wavelength polarization

  • ULXs

Binary evolution and merging compact objects

  • Formation of compact objects

  • Compact binary evolution and Merging events

Timing analysis

  • Recent launches NICER, HXMT

  • New tools and diagnostics based on X-ray timing

  • Lags, reverberation

Accretion-ejection connection at all scales

  • Probing the central regions

  • Accretion disk

  • Disk winds

  • Jets


  • Accretion/ejection physics

  • Polarimetry of compact objects

  • MHD/GRMHD simulation of magnetized accretion flow