MYP CurriculumÂ
MYP Subjects (6-8th Grade)
Middle School students will take 8 subjects each year. Core subjects will include Language & Literature, Individuals & Societies, Science, Math, and Language Acquisition. Arts, Design, and Physical & Health Education will be taken on a rotational basis to give the opportunity to explore all areas each year. Students will also have at least one interdisciplinary unit each year that combines two or more subjects areas. Click below to learn more about each subject area:
Language & Literature (formerly ELA)
Individuals & Societies (formerly Social Studies)
Math (on-level or Enhanced math)
Language Acquisition (L2 & DLI courses)
Arts (Dance, Music, Textile Arts, Visual Arts)
Conceptual understandings in the myp
Key Concepts
Students will explore the 16 Key Concepts during their MYP years. Concepts are "big ideas" that lend structure to learning as students build knowledge at an increasingly complex level. Key Concepts are enduring understandings to help students further in lifelong learning.
course overview & assessment
course overview
This document gives an overview of all the course material that students will study during each year of MYP.
**Course overview coming soon**
In the MYP students are assessed on 4 different criteria for each subject area. Students can earn score from 1 (minimal understanding) to 8 (exceptional use) in each area. Student receieve these scores on formative and summative assessments throughout the school year.
MYP report cards are sent home at the end of each semester.