
What Is a “Right”?

A right can be:

Rights in U.S. Law

Several kinds of rights are established by law in the United States Constitution.


Fundamental freedoms include the right to freedom of

Voting Rights

A critically important set of rights guarantees most U.S. citizens the right to vote, which may not be denied on account of


The U.S. Constitution

This means that individual states may recognize additional rights, which apply in that state only. Such state rights may go above and beyond rights granted under the Constitution, or they may result in stronger protection than that provided by federal law.

Rights of the Accused

In the United States, persons who are accused of a crime have the right to

In addition,

Right to privacy

 Before authorizing a home or person to be searched,

Limits on Rights

Even when enacted into law, rights are not limitless.

Many questions arise about whether a particular right applies in a specific situation, especially in situations the legislators who established the rights did not foresee.

The legislators and voters who enacted the right to bear arms were thinking about the possible need to resist an overbearing government, since they had recently done just that to gain independence. In those days, guns were large, cumbersome weapons. Assault rifles had not been invented, and the majority of the population did not live in concentrated metropolitan areas. Today, however, efforts to keep guns out of the hands of criminals are frequently challenged as infringements on the right of citizens to own or carry guns.

For example, governments must pay a reasonable price for private property they take for public use. But what is a “reasonable price?” And does “public use” include projects like dormitories and classrooms for private universities?

Children’s Rights

For centuries, children were perceived by the law as a kind of property owned by their parents. Parents could do almost anything with their children and be within the limits of the law. Gradually, over the past several generations, that attitude has changed, and the rights of parents to neglect, harm, or exploit their children have been restricted.

Parental responsibilities

In the United States, the most fundamental children’s rights are expressed as parents’ or guardians’ responsibilities and are generally thought of as child welfare or child protection. Child-welfare laws vary from state to state, although they are guided by federal standards. In general, a child today has a right to

Most states require significant efforts by child-welfare agencies to assist parents to meet these responsibilities. If parents repeatedly fail, or refuse, to accept these responsibilities, they may voluntarily give up their parental rights; or the court may legally terminate their parental rights, freeing the children for adoption.

Some children’s rights take the form of laws that limit what adults may require children to do.

Child Labor laws

Some national and state laws set limits on the use of children as workers.

For more specific information, go to the Department of Labor Web site that also has links to child labor laws for each state.

Juvenile courts

Designed for children or teens under the age of majority (usually 18), juvenile courts differ significantly from adult courts.

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice, offers information about juvenile justice laws and processes and some details about juvenile law in specific states.

Children and contracts

Unless they are authorized by the courts under a process called “emancipation,” underage minors cannot make a legal contract, such as signing a rental agreement or borrowing money. (For more information about emancipation, see Teenagers on Their Own.)

Parents’ Rights

In the United States, parents and legal guardians of minors have the right to direct their children’s lives in matters both large and small, including

Parental rights and children’s medical care

Parents and guardians have the right to

But these rights are not limitless. States may limit parents’ control over their children’s medical treatment in some areas; for instance, states may allow teenagers to

without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

In some states,

Parents’ right to sue

Parents or guardians may bring a lawsuit or be sued on behalf of their minor children.

Termination of parental rights

Under some rare circumstances, the court may decide to end the parents’ rights over their child. There is a strong consensus in the United States that children are better off in their parents’ home if it can possibly be arranged for their needs to be met there. Even in the face of strong evidence to the contrary, parents are often given a second—and sometimes a third, fourth, and fifth—chance to correct the problems that brought the family to the attention of the authorities. This practice is intended to promote the children’s “best interest.” However, the well-meant effort to keep the family together often involves a long, drawn-out period of indecision, during which the child may suffer severely from the uncertainty; and it may expose the child to more of the abuse or neglect that initially led to involvement with the court.

In general, reasons for ending parental rights are

Parents who for one reason or another decide that they cannot provide for their children may also voluntarily surrender their rights, freeing the children for adoption.

Victims’ Rights

If you are the victim of a crime, such as abuse or assault, the criminal justice system accords you certain rights. Victims’ rights differ from state to state, but generally include the right to

The National Crime Victims' Law Institute has more information about victims’ rights in your state

Rights and the United Nations

The United Nations (UN) was formed in the aftermath of World War II, with the intention of creating a forum where countries could address their conflicts in a peaceable manner, without going to war. The nearly 200 member countries of the UN are supposed to work together for peace and human betterment.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In 1948, the UN adopted a “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” that incorporates many of the rights of U.S. citizens and includes others, such as

The Declaration has no force in law, but it was envisioned as a standard of achievement, a “measuring stick” by which all countries could judge their progress toward a world in which all people enjoy not only fundamental freedoms and justice under the law, but also well-paying jobs, a comfortable standard of living, and a stable world without war.

The Declaration was later supplemented by two additional documents:

Both covenants were adopted in 1966 and went into effect in 1976 after approval by the required number of countries. These documents are treaties that commit the countries that sign them to work toward the rights envisioned in the Declaration. The treaties provide for countries that have signed them to present reports to the appropriate monitoring bodies in the UN on their progress toward the stated goals.

The United States has signed on to both treaties. However, according to U.S. law, a treaty is not in effect until the Senate approves it. By and large, U.S. senators are reluctant to approve any treaties they think might infringe on U.S. or even individual states’ sovereignty. Although the Senate approved the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1992, it added “reservations” that rendered the whole covenant ineffective. The Senate has not yet voted on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Convention on the Rights of the Child

The League of Nations, predecessor of the United Nations, recognized the issue of children’s rights when it adopted an early Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1924. The concept was revived in the UN after World War II and adopted in an expanded version in 1959.

In 1989, the UN produced yet another, even more expanded version, called the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is an idealistic document that articulates a desirable standard of achievement, but without the force of law.

Although the United States played an active role in drafting the document, and signed it in 1995, Congress has yet to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child.