Civic Life

Getting Government to Work for You

You may have been taught by a cult or high-demand group that your personal needs and ideas were unimportant, but mainstream America works best when we make our personal needs known and speak up about them. This section focuses on interactions with government and public agencies about your needs and wants.

Personal Problems and Government Help

No one can fix anything unless she knows help is needed, so calling attention to a need or problem is an essential first step. This kind of information—although sometimes officially called a “complaint” —is different from the sort of general complaining we all do from time to time (“Oh, it’s so hot!” or “Oh, I’m so tired!”). This is a statement about a need or a problem, directed to the person or department that has the authority to take the needed action to fix it. Here are some suggestions to help you complain effectively.

It’s important to

It will help if you can get the name of the person you need to contact, as well as his title or position.

If you are not sure where to start, you can


Voting is the way American citizens make many decisions—both large and small—about the course of government. Through voting, we choose thousands of officials, from neighborhood representatives to the U.S. president, all of whom participate in decisions that affect our lives. Elected officials, whom we have chosen based on our understanding of their ideas and abilities, decide matters ranging from repairing pavements to waging war.

Who We Vote For

Elected officials in the United States

Government workers and private companies alike pay serious attention to the requests of elected officials whose powers can affect their activities.

Elected officials usually pay attention to their constituents’ opinions and work conscientiously to help constituents in any way they can. They are powerfully motivated to help their constituents, because if they displease too many voters, they will lose their jobs.

Terms of service for elected officials vary, depending on the office. Most serve terms of two or four years, but U.S. senators, for instance, serve six-year terms. Some states limit the number of terms an official may serve in the same position. Each state also has rules about choosing successors for elected officials who, for one reason or another, don’t serve out their terms.

Many elected officials are affiliated with a political party, an organization of people with similar ideas and opinions formed to elect candidates who will promote those policies.

Some elected officials are “independents,” affiliated with no political party.

How, Where, and When to Vote

If you are a citizen, you probably have the opportunity to vote for some elected officials every year. And if an elected official is unhelpful or disrespectful, you have the opportunity to vote against him or actively to support an opponent.

Eligibility to vote

Eligibility to vote varies, depending on your state. In most states, voters must register beforehand in order to vote.

To check your eligibility, and for information about registering to vote, google “eligibility to vote,” plus your county or state.

Registering to vote

In the United States, your place of residence determines where you will vote and which candidates will represent you, from the smallest units of government, such as wards or districts, through city, county, and state elections to the national level.


Elections are held yearly in most states, with different offices up for election in different years. Elections are covered in local news and publicized by the candidates who are running.

What Is There to Vote About?

The focus in most elections is on individuals who are running for offices that range from sheriff to President of the United States. In some counties, even judges are elected. Candidates competing against each other for elected posts usually try to draw distinctions between themselves and their opponents. They may differ on such issues as

Candidates for state office may also focus on regional or occupational issues:

Candidates for national office weigh in on all these kinds of issues, adding 

to the mix.

Choosing whom to vote for can be complicated and may require a great deal of thought.

You may also be asked to vote on questions such as

You may feel that your vote is insignificant, one of hundreds or thousands, and unlikely to make any difference in the outcome of an election; but

If you are telephoning a complaint

It helps to put your story in writing beforehand for your own use. Doing this clarifies your thinking and may alert you to gaps in your information or an overemotional tone. If people perceive you as calm and reasonable, they will hear you better. Remember to

A written record of the dates and times you call, and any voice-mail messages you have left will come in handy if you have trouble getting through and decide to take the complaint to another person.

If you are writing or emailing a complaint

You are more likely to get positive attention if you,

Allow a week to ten days to hear back

Following up on a complaint varies, depending on the mode of your complaint and the response you get.

Getting Help from Elected Officials

If you think you are not making progress, you might decide to raise the issue at another level. You can contact the representative of an elected official, either

Elected officials are practically always in campaign mode, seeking to gain or keep their constituents’ support in the next election. You can expect members of their staff to respond promptly to your contact and to do their best to help you.

The official will want to know that you are a constituent—a voter living in her electoral area. Most officials’ email sites collect this information automatically, but if you are writing a postal letter or sending an outside email, be sure to mention this fact and include your mailing address.

Once you make contact, it’s important to follow up as requested to the degree that you can. Even if you can’t provide requested documents or details, it helps to let people know that.

Advocacy and Lobbying

If you feel strongly about a particular issue or candidate, you might want to do more than just vote. In fact, America depends heavily on individual involvement of all kinds to inform and encourage public debate on a host of topics, and to help bring about the desired result. Advocacy and lobbying are two key tools for influencing public policies.

Advocacy is working to promote particular interests or positions. Lobbying is pressing for specific actions by a governing body. For example, educating the public about the dangers of smoking is advocacy. Urging a legislator to vote to prohibit smoking in public places is lobbying.

Advocacy may mean

Effective advocates are knowledgeable about

Speaking Up on Your Own

Here are some ways you can support or oppose a cause or program that’s important to you. Getting involved may mean combining your efforts with others in an organized group; or it may involve taking action individually.

Direct messages to elected officials

Elected officials pay attention to the preferences of the voters who elect them. Calls and emails that support or oppose a given program may not receive a personal answer, but they are carefully monitored and will count, sometimes heavily, in an official’s position on the issue.

To express your opinion on a proposed law, regulation, or program, you can call, write, email, or sometimes even text. Officials and their staffers take note of the opinions they receive and tally them up to get an idea of their constituents’ feelings.

If you belong to a union or other advocacy group, you may get messages urging you to contact elected officials about a particular issue. Often, these messages will include a form letter for you to send or a phone number to call. You are not obligated to do this, but it is an easy way to support the organization’s position.

Print and Internet media

Letters to the editor can be an effective way of making your voice heard. Editors will publish well-written letters on topics of public interest, both in print media and online. A letter to the editor can have a wide impact because it may resonate more with the people in charge than a private letter, and it may even influence officials who make decisions on the topic.  Readers may e-mail your letter to others so it gets a wider audience. If you feel strongly about an issue or want to correct an egregious error, you might want to try this approach.

A good letter to the editor includes

Letters should be as brief as possible, but vivid and specific. Keep the tone suitable for the publication you’re addressing—for instance, formal to a large newspaper with a national audience, ”snippy” to a sassy, counter-culture publication.

If the editor decides to publish your letter, you will receive a phone call or e-mail to verify its authenticity. The editor may cut or otherwise revise some material. Usually he will tell you this beforehand and you can withdraw the letter if you disapprove of the changes.

Uploading to the Internet

You can upload practically anything that expresses your personal positions or experiences to sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. There are no gatekeepers or editors to judge your work, and you need not worry about style or tone.

The downside to this approach is that few people in positions of influence are likely to see your communication, and you will have to work harder to get attention for it. You can post a video on YouTube, but unless you then send the link—with an attention-getting explanatory note—to whichever officials (or press) you want to see the video, they will not know about it. Busy professionals may or may not take the time to view your communication, and if they do, they may unconsciously judge it as much on technical quality as on content. Blurry or jerky camera work or sound may negate good reasoning.

Guidelines for Checking Out Advocacy and Lobbying Organizations

Full-time advocacy or lobbying isn’t realistic for most people. It is more practical and efficient to find an organization that supports the cause or program you’re interested in. You can then join them and engage at the level that fits your interest and availability.

Past experience in a high-demand group or cult may leave you reluctant to throw yourself into a cause. Indeed, some advocacy groups can become very extreme, and you should view them with caution. Others may be poorly organized or managed, making it difficult to work with them.

There is no need to push yourself to do anything you don’t want to do (see Groups for some general guidelines). You can take your time, engage gradually, and stop if you begin to feel uncomfortable.

Thousands of advocacy organizations are active in the United States today; they range from small, local groups getting together over neighborhood issues to nationwide organizations with millions of members seeking to influence key national policies. In a broad, general way, one might sort them into neighborhood groups, educational/charitable organizations, political organizations, and lobbies. A single organization may have branches that engage in all of these activities.

Local neighborhood groups, like those formed to advocate for better street lighting or school improvements, are usually informal and don’t have set rules, budgets, or agendas.

Larger, formally organized groups have a more formal structure, including 

You can usually learn more about these larger groups by checking out their Web sites. A basic Web site for any educational or advocacy group should

Checking out charitable/educational organizations

Charitable and educational organizations and religions have a unique status: Contributions to them are tax-deductible.

Many charitable organizations lobby in some ways on some occasions. They are allowed to set aside a small portion of their incomes for this purpose. Contributions for lobbying costs are not tax-deductible, and the organizations must notify donors about the portion of their contributions that is used for lobbying.

Checking out political organizations

Checking out political organizations is a different matter.  Such organizations may be 

Contributions to political organizations are not tax-deductible.

Candidates for national offices must submit campaign finance reports to comply with the Federal Elections Commission. Those reports are available to the public.

Political organizations may be harder to evaluate than charitable organizations.

Information about some politically active organizations is available online.


Fundraising is vital for most advocacy and lobbying groups, although it is more critical for some than for others. Here are basic guidelines for fundraising in mainstream culture:


Lobbying, too, takes many forms. Some lobbying is informal.

A more structured form of lobbying occurs when

Frequently, the competing interests of different organizations lead to a struggle. For example, there’s a recurring competition between U.S. sugar growers, who favor restrictions on the amount of sugar imported, and food-manufacturing companies, which want to abolish existing limits in order to lower the price of sugar. 

Representatives and senators from sugar-growing states will support the growers, while legislators from states where food manufacturers operate will work to abolish the limits.

Jury Duty

Service as a juror is the only form of participation in American government that is required by law. A jury is a group of citizens who are sworn in to decide impartially the facts of a given matter and issue a decision in a court case.

If you are not selected to serve on a jury during the time stated on the summons, you have fulfilled your legal obligation simply by sitting around and not being chosen. If you are seated on a jury, however, you are on duty until the trial is finished. This means that you are expected to 

Trials may take only a day or two, or they may run for months, depending on the case.

Payment for jury service depends on local law and customs. Jurisdictions may pay a nominal fee per day of service. Some employers offer paid leave for employees on jury duty.