Leadership & Work-based Learning

Career Technical Student Organizations 

Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) are national student organizations designed to support student leadership in CTE programs. Participation in CTSOs help students develop technical and leadership skills that will enable them to succeed in their career paths. CTSO activities help students develop positive attitudes, build self-esteem, and empower students to excel. They learn valuable professional skills such as communication, time management, teamwork, and problem solving. 


FCCLA is the preprofessional organization for Family and Consumer Sciences education students in grades 6–12.

Skills USA 

SkillsUSA is a national student organization for industrial and technical education programs.


A student organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.


FFA is a national student organization for agriculture education students in grades 9–12.


California DECA is a student organization whose program of leadership and personal development is designed specifically for students interested in marketing, management and entrepreneurship.


FCCLA is the preprofessional organization for Family and Consumer Sciences education students in grades 6–12.

Work-Based Learning (WBL)

Let's Define WBL

Work-Based Learning is an educational approach, or instructional methodology that uses the workplace or real work to provide students with the knowledge and skills that will help them connect school experiences to real-life, work activities and future career opportunities.  A quality work-based learning program, when feasible, should be an integral part of a more comprehensive program that integrates academic course and career technical education. Students benefit from work-based learning that connects to classroom instruction.


Elements of Quality WBL 

Direct Interaction between student & Industry Professionals

A sequence of experiences that begins with awareness and moves onto exploration and hands on preparation

Clearly defined learning objectives related to classroom curricula

Alignment with students career interests

Alignment with the state standards & industry/occupational standards

Exposure to a wide range of industries and occupations

Collaboration between employers and educators with clearly defined roles for each

Activities with a range of levels of intensity and duration 

Intentional student preparation and opportunities for reflection 

High School Career Development Continuum

Learning about ONESELF

Build awareness of strengths, interests and values and connect this information to future purpose and career through reflection and related metacognitive activities.

Sample WBL Activities: 

Learning ABOUT a wide variety of careers

Build awareness of the variety of careers available and the preparation required to obtain a career; broaden student options.

Sample WBL Activities: 

Learning ABOUT work and exploring, research and planning for a career

Explore career and post-secondary options for the purpose of motivating students and to inform their decision making in secondary school through postsecondary education.

Sample WBL Activities: 

Learning THROUGH work

Apply learning through practical experience that develops knowledge and skills necessary for success in careers and postsecondary education.

Sample WBL Activities:

Learning FOR Work 

Train for employment and/or postsecondary education in a specific range of occupations.

Sample WBL Activities

HS_Career_Development_Continuum (1).pdf

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