
Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu am ansoddeiriau'r wythnos hon. Geiriau sydd yn disgrifio rhywbeth penodol er enghraifft, merch hapus, eliffant mawr, bachgen tal.

Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r brawddegau isod (dewiswch y set sydd fwyaf addas i chi, Set A neu B) gan feddwl am ansoddair addas? Defnyddiwch y mat ansoddeiriau isod i'ch helpu. Ysgrifennwch y brawddegau yn eich llyfrau gwaith cartref.

Edrychwn ymlaen at weld eich gwaith ar Seesaw.

We have been learning about adjectives this week. Adjectives are words that are used to describe certain things for example, the happy girl, the big elephant, the tall boy.

Can you complete the sentences below (choose a set suitable for you Set A or B) by choosing an appropriate adjective? Use the adjectives mat below to help you. Write the sentences in your homework books.

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn ymarfer ein sgiliau adio a thynnu yr wythnos hon. Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer hwn gan ddefnyddio llinell rhif a sgwar 100? Defnyddiwch y linc isod i'ch helpu chi. Dewiswch rhifau Set A, B, C neu Ch a rhowch yr atebion yn eich llyfrau gwaith cartref. Edrychwn ymlaen at weld eich gwaith ar Seesaw.

We have been practising our adding and subtracting skills this week. Can you practise these at home using a number line or a 100 square (whichever you prefer)? Use the link below to help you. Choose the numbers from Set A, B, C or Ch and write the answers in your homework books. We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.