
Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn edrych ar ddilyniannau rhif yr wythnos hon.

Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r dilyniannau rhif isod? Dewiswch y set fwyaf addas i chi.

Edrychwn ymlaen at weld eich gwaith ar Seesaw.

We have been looking at number sequences this week.

Can you complete the number sequences below? Choose the most suitable set for you.

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.

Cystadleuaeth Teipio / Typing Competition:

Gwaith cartref am yr wythnosau nesaf yw i baratoi tuag at gystadleuaeth teipio a fydd yn cael ei chynnal yn yr ysgol ar y 1af o Ragfyr (gweler y wybodaeth isod.)

Er mwyn ymarfer adref, bydd angen i'ch plentyn fewngofnodi i Purple Mash gyda'i gwybodaeth bersonol ac mae yna dasg wedi ei roi iddynt yn eu ffeiliau. Mae'r disgyblion yn ymwybodol o'r gystadleuaeth ac maent wedi dechrau ymarfer yn y dosbarth.

The homework for the next couple of weeks is to prepare for the typing competition that will be held for the pupils on the 1st of December. (See information below.)

In order to practise, your child will need to log on to Purple Mash using their personal log in details and there will be an assigned task ready for them. The pupils are aware of the competition and have already started to practise in class.

Cystadleuaeth Teipio rhieni.pdf