Current Welsh Schools Cup champions 2022/2023

Champion of Champions Cup 2023/2024

West Wales League Champions 2023/2024

Strade is very well known in the world of Welsh schools rugby. We are extremely proud of our rugby history and successes as one of the most successful teams in Wales, but also our talented individuals who have represented their country while studying with us at Ysgol y Strade.

The Rugby program

During the program each learner will receive rugby hours on the timetable with the academic options in the 6th form.

Throughout the rugby schedule you will receive provision from a highly experienced training group to help you continue your development and reach your full potential through rugby. In the program you will receive:

There will be training and games beyond 12 hours of provision for every single player every week.

Past player success

There are many of our players who have received top level success through rugby during their time with us at Strade. We see a number of pupils who have represented Wales at under 16, under 18, under 20 national team and British & Irish Lions. To name some of our former pupils, Josh Adams (British Lions, Wales) Steffan Evans (Wales) Steffan Hughes (Wales under 20) and current pupil Keanu Evans (Wales under 18). We believe there will be more to add to the list as a result of the development and the program we offer at the school.

"Ysgol Y Strade played an important part in my development as a player, I played in a competitive league every week. Also have the opportunity to play with friends and receive excellent training provision. Great memories of rugby at Strade”

 Steffan Hughes, Captain, Dragons RFC

School contact

If you want more information about the rugby programme, please contact below;

Mr Dylan Richards

Mr Deiniol Evans