Read below what former students and current prefects have to say about their experiences at Y Strade Sixth Form.

 Sixth Form Former students

“Continuing at Ysgol y Strade was the only choice – in fact, I did not consider any other option. For me, continuing my education through the medium of Welsh was essential, and Strade allowed me to do this. I decided to continue studying the subjects I enjoyed but the main incentive was my excellent relationship with the teachers. I developed an effective working relationship with each of them, and their willingness to help me realise my educational dreams and fulfil my potential in my GCSE and AS exams was a crucial factor. Of course, the social aspect is very important and there are numerous opportunities to enjoy the unique life of Sixth Form. Education and life in general in Strade’s Sixth Form will direct you towards success in your future career.”

‘Throughout my time as a student at Y Strade I have wanted to pursue a career in child care. The child care course I am currently studying has given me the opportunity to develop the academic and practical skills required to do this. We were given the opportunity to work on placement within the first term and this experience has been invaluable. As a result, I have even gained part time employment. The course also leads on to university courses which I am considering studying next year. Alternatively, I may decide to enter full-time employment’.

“I came back to the Sixth form as the teachers gave me so much support and help during my GCSE coursework I knew they would be there for me during my A Levels. Throughout this time, I developed an effective working relationship with my teachers who gave me the confidence to ask for help when needed. I have also been very fortunate to participate in the two school productions, 'Grav' and 'Y Map', after developing the confidence whilst studying drama at GCSE and A Level. During my seven years at Y Strade I have made friendships for life and have been supported by special teachers to which I am extremely grateful.”

"I decided to return to the Sixth Form at Strade primarily owing to the positive relationship I had with the teachers, who are always ready to help and listen to any problems. Also, the teachers know me well from my time spent as a younger pupil in the school and, therefore, they understand my unique strengths and weaknesses. Another important factor that persuaded me to return to the Sixth Form was the prospect of continuing my Geography A level through the medium of Welsh. In addition, I’ve had many opportunities to represent the school as a member of various sports teams in the Sixth Form which have been considerably successful. The Sixth Form at Strade features a warm, friendly and positive environment. It also provides the essential facilities along with excellent staff to help ensure that students flourish and reach their true potential.”

 Prefects 2023-24

"During my six years here at Ysgol y Strade, I have received so many special opportunities across all aspects of school life, including sports and academic experiences. These have all been very useful to me especially when considering life after the school. The school has a very close community and I have always felt that there is enough help and support available if needed. The friendship of the teachers and my classmates has made me feel comfortable here, which has enabled me to push myself to succeed in my studies. I will definitely look back on my time at school with fond memories and I am extremely proud that I am a pupil and Head Prefect here at the school. Next year I hoping to study Medicine at Cardiff University."

Kahlen Jones, Head Prefect 2023-24

"During my time at Ysgol Y Strade, I have faced a number of challenges, especially during the lockdown period. However, the school has repeatedly been there to offer me support during the hard times. I am now one of the school's prefects, and it gives me a great sense of pride and joy in offering help to the school's younger children. I am grateful for every opportunity the school has given me, both academic support and extracurricular opportunities. After finishing at Y Strade, I hope to go to University to study Engineering."

James Thomas, Head Prefect 2023-24

Ysgol Y Strade Prefects 2023-24