
Information Technology (IT) is at the heart of everyday life, at home, work and in our leisure time from computer graphics and control systems to communications and problem solving, IT has an ever increasing role to play. Pupils are given the opportunity to demonstrate and develop practical application of skills, knowledge and understanding in current and exciting units. They are encouraged to be imaginative, innovative and creative whilst independently producing solutions for business related tasks.

Course Content

Pupils will complete the following 6 units of work, and for each a portfolio of work will be produced comprising of digital and paper evidence to a given scenario. There is no written examination.

  1. Communication & Employability Skills - IT

  2. Information Systems

  3. Spreadsheet Modelling

  4. Database Design

  5. Digital Graphics

  6. Understanding Social Media for Business

Career Prospects

Due to the practical assessment nature of this qualification, it provides pupils with the skill set and knowledge required for a wide range of career options or further study. An IT related apprenticeship or employment would be a direct consequence, in roles such as IT Administration, IT Technician, Graphic Design, Project Management and more. Equally, the skills offered by the course would benefit other areas of employment due to the increasing role and involvement of IT in so many sectors, businesses and organisations. Pupils will earn UCAS points to support a university application to continue studying an IT or Business related degree course.

Entry Requirements

Although desirable, it is not essential to have studied Digital Technology at GCSE level and each student will be considered on an individual basis for entry onto the course.

Examination Board

School Contact

Mrs Julie Fletcher