
Biology provides a wide range of information that touches on many different aspects of a variety of subjects. These vary from the physiology of organisms and the interdependence of living things in ecology, to social issues including man's influence on the environment and the ethical considerations of genetics. The intention is that using a variety of approaches will stimulate interest, promote understanding and elicit a general appreciation and sense of wonder about the living world.

Course Content

Advance Subsidiary (AS)

Year 12

Unit 1

Unit 2

Advanced Level (A2)

Year 13

Unit 3


Unit 4􀀁􀀓􀁉􀁓􀁔

Unit 5

Career Prospects

Biology as with all sciences are seen as a pathway to many careers e.g. Medicine, Dentistry ,Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Forensic Science and a variety of Biological courses such as Biochemistry Genetics, and Ecology. The course is recognised as an academic route by all UK Universities.Β 

Entry Requirements

Although individual consideration will be given to each learner, it would be beneficial if they had a B grade at GCSE Science and Additional Science in the Higher Tier paper.

Examination Board

School Contact

Miss Hannah Thomas