Non-Prescription Medication

Non-Prescription Medication:

The school nurse shall assure that in the administration of non-prescription medication, the following procedures are followed:

    1. Written permission from the parent/guardian must be obtained detailing the name of the medication, dosage, and time to be administered at school, termination date for administration, and the reason for giving the medication.
    2. Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or health care provider*.
    3. The initial dose of a medication will not be given at school.
    4. Medications shall be stored in a locked compartment in the health office, or in an alternate locked location at the discretion of the School Nurse and Building Administrator.
    5. Delivery of all medication to elementary schools is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or any other designated adult. Medications should not be transported to and from elementary school grounds by students.
    6. Administration of medication shall be recorded on a Medication Log, which includes name of student, name of medication, date and time of administration, and the signature of the person administering the medication.
    7. The parent/guardian of elementary students needs to pick up unused medication within three (3) days following the termination date of administration. The school nurse retains the right to discard unused medication following this three (3) days period.