The Warren School

Nurse's Corner

"You can't educate a child who isn't healthy, and you can't keep a child healthy who isn't educated."

~ M. Jocelyn Elders, MD, U.S. Surgeon General

The goal of the health office at Warren is to keep students healthy and ready to learn! Feel free to browse this site for helpful tips, forms and other services that are provided at school.

Deirdre Fennelly, RN is our school nurse and is available daily. She brings over 20 years of experience working with children and families. Deirdre can be reached at (802) 583-7918 or Please contact her with any questions or concerns.

Please help us care for your child by informing Deirdre if your child has:

  • New diagnosis or change in health status

  • Serious illness, injury or hospitalization

  • Fractures, sprains, casts or sutures

  • Diagnosis of a concussion

  • Diagnosis of a contagious disease - such as strep throat, pertussis, chicken pox, etc.

  • A life-threatening or new allergy

Thank you for helping keep all of our students and staff healthy at

The Warren School.

Here are the new guidelines for when to keep your child home from school and when they are cleared to return.