Food Allergies

Food Allergies affect an estimated 15 million Americans. According to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), about 1 in 13 children have a diagnosed food allergy. We encourage you to talk about your child's food allergy with your family and your child's friends.

It is imperative that you talk with the school nurse about your child's allergies, emergency action plan and any medication prescribed to your child. If your child has a life-threatening food allergy, the school nurse asks that you fill out the following forms and return to the school along with any necessary prescription medications (Epinephrine, antihistamine, inhaler).

General training is provided to all staff yearly regarding food allergies. A more in-depth training is provided to staff directly responsible for students with life-threatening allergies. Each classroom with students having life-threatening food allergies maintains information about the allergy and a visual of how to respond in an emergency.