Year 6 - Attenborough Class

I wanted to start with again saying how proud we all are of the children; they were phenomenal in the lead up to the SATs and every child did their best and have achieved personal milestones. We all had a wonderful day on the Friday after the SATs and the children certainly enjoyed throwing water balloons at myself, Miss Stevens and Mr Bullock!

Year 6 have been enjoying the first in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone. We have been doing lots of writing based on the film whilst reading extracts from the book too. Our writing has involved creating a setting description of Hogwarts, as well as a character description that we enjoyed sharing with Year 3 and 4.

Climate Change day was a real success and all of the Year 6 pupils acted as excellent role-models, as they worked within their houses and supported the younger years to fully access all of the opportunities that were available to them.

In Science, we concluded by looking at animals and mammals and the way that they are classified. Everyone learnt some interesting facts; including looking at the work of Carl Linnaeus - the famous zoologist and botanist.

Here are the two Amelia's completing the Jubilee orienteering challenge

The last week of term has been rather full of Jubilee activities. Year 6 have enjoyed playing the Queen as they were hot seating for their royal interviews and have learnt lots of information about the Commonwealth both past and present, which can be seen in their non chronological reports. Friday was full of fun as Year 6 accessed activities from the ‘00’s. We learnt about films, food and fashion from the decade; as well as tie dying our own t- shirts. We will certainly stand out wearing them!

Year 6 have worked exceptionally hard this term and we hope that you get to enjoy a well-deserved relaxing break with your families. Take care and look after yourselves.

Here is Year 6 all dressed up for the 00's on jubilee day.

Mr Paterson - Year 6 Class Teacher, Mrs Bassett and Mrs Stevens