Year 3 - Anderson Class

Well, what a busy, busy term for Anderson Class. This term has been all about plants and how we use them as resources. This links to our theme 'Sharing the Planet'. The children in Anderson Class have looked at the lifecycle of a plant and what they need in order to survive. To showcase their learning, the children created explanation texts about a plant's life cycle which included a range of features such as diagrams and technical vocabulary.

Once children had a good understanding of plant survival, we looked at where plants can grow around the world. We found some great plants with funny names and noticed that plants can survive wherever as they learn to adapt to their surroundings. As well as this, children looked and explored the different types of climate we have around as well as researched different types of deserts that plants can live in. To take their learning one step further, children imagined they went on holiday to one of these deserts and wrote Tripadvisor holiday reviews. They were great!

To finish off our Inquiry learning, children explored different ways humans used plants. It was interesting to find out that lots of our daily resources actually come from plants such as paper, wood, materials, cotton, rubber and even plasters.

In Maths this term we have been focusing in fractions. We looked at the different type of fractions (unit and non unit) and how to find fractions of amounts. It has been great to see the children working hard in their Maths lessons this term as I know they have been difficult for them.

Have a great half term and we will see you in term 6!

Mrs Tighe - Year 3 Class Teacher