Sunkist Elementary


GOAL 1: By June  2024, the number of 3rd grade students in the bridging, emerging or expanding categories who scored critical on the EASY CBM proficient reading assessment will decrease by 10% from 20 to 18

GOAL 2: By June 2024, the number of kindergarten students who have an attendance record of at risk/critical as of 10/19/2023 will decrease by 10% from 19 to 17. 

Maria A. Pilotzi 


You can contact me at: Puede comunicarse conmigo:

phone: (805) 986-8722 ext. 2889


If you would like to request counseling services, please fill out the counseling referral form located below. Please contact me for any questions or concerns.

Si desea solicitar servicios de asesoramiento, complete el formulario de recommendación que se encuentra a continuación. Favor de comunicarse conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.