Larsen Elementary

Alexandria Sosa

School Counselor

Larsen Elementary students

You may contact me at:

805-986-8740 Ext 2463

Counseling Services Referral Form

Formulario de Recomendación 

para Servicios de Consejería

By May 24, 2024, the amount of 3rd grade Mckinney Vento students scoring critical on the Easy CBM Proficient Reading Assessment in trimester 1, will decrease by 10% from  XX to XX.

By June 17, 2024, 5th grade Mckinney Vento students who reported being absent 10% or more of the days in trimester 1 (Aug. 22-Nov. 9), will decrease their absences by 1% from XX to XX.

Mental Health Matters!

¡La Salud Mental Importa!