Julien Hathaway Elementary

Clemente Bravo

School Counselor

You can reach me at:


805- 488-2217 ext. 1889

Panorama Survey Link - surveys.panoramaed.com/hueneme 

Hi Hathaway Families,

I want to wish everyone a good 2023-2024 school year.

Hola Familias de Hathaway,

Les deseo un 2023-2024 año de escuela bueno.  

If you would like to refer someone to receive counseling services please fill out form the form below.

 Si desea referir a alguien para que reciba servicios de asesoramiento, complete el formulario a continuación.

My Counselor SMART Goals for the 2023-24 school year

By June 2024 the number of students who scored at risk on the Easy CBM math risk assessment in Jan 2023 and May 2023 will decrease from 14 to 10 students. 

By June 2024 the students that are at-risk or critical in attendance on the Panorama Screener will decrease from 7 to 5. 

Student Self Referral to see Mr. Bravo

In a crisis?

If its an emergency please call 911.

Ventura County Crisis Team:


Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

¿En crisis?

Si es una emergencia, llame al 911.

Equipo de crisis del condado de Ventura:


Disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. 

Additional Resources