why music matters

Music has many benefits for the brain and enhances many educational experiences by giving our students a creative outlet throughout their school day.  Please explore the information below about how your child may benefit by participating in our instrumental music program.


Harris Poll Links Music Education to Advanced Studies and Higher Incomes.doc
Learning, Arts and the Brain_ArtsAndCognition_Compl.pdf
Linkages Between Music Education and Educational Outcomes.pdf
Quality Music Programs=Better Test Results.pdf
Music Lessons Were the Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You.pdf
Singing and Studying Work Well Together.pdf
Music Enhances Reading Skills.doc
What Else Do You Do.pdf
3 Year Study Links Arts & Cognitive Development.doc
Music Improves Cognitive Function.pdf
Childhood Music Lessons Help Us When We Are Older.pdf
Learning Music Makes Students Smarter.pdf
If You Want Smarter Kids Teach Them Music.pdf
High School Students Do Better In Science, Math And English If They Also Take Music Lessons.pdf