The Senior Capstone Experience

What is the SEnior Capstone Experience?

The HHS Senior Capstone Experience is an opportunity for Hopkinton seniors, who are in good academic standing, to develop and implement a self-directed learning plan that enables them engage in a meaningful summative project that demonstrates their fulfillment of the vision of a Hopkinton High School graduate. 

How it Works. . .

Senior Capstone Experience.webm
Vision for website

Step 1: Application

Using the HHS Vision of the Graduate as a guide, The Senior Capstone Experience begins with an application that includes a potential growth proposal, where students will develop, with the help of an adult mentor, an outline of the planned activities they will experience during their 4 weeks of exploration. Application must also identify the proposed final outcomes which must include a tangible final product (not a poster) and a formal presentation on Monday, May 20th.

Proposals will fall into at least one of the following categories:

Step 2: Application review

All applications will be reviewed by the Senior Capstone Experience Committee. Successful applicants will receive notification. Applicant proposals that require revision will have an opportunity to meet with the committee, adapt the application, and resubmit for consideration.

Participating students will, with the guidance of a mentor, develop a self management plan that organizes their exploration experiences, weekly timesheets, and their weekly reflection submissions. Students are required to find a mentor who agrees to guide them through the development and implementation of the project. Mentors should be adults with expertise in the subject or field the student wants to explore. 

Click here for more information about mentors

4. Implement your Action Plan

Starting Monday, April 22nd, participating students will be excused from all non AP classes, so that they may engage in and complete the required 20 hours per week of dedicated action towards competition of their experience. The 20 hour per week requirement is lessened by 2 hours for each AP level course in which a student is enrolled.

5. Submit weekly reflections

Students will complete and submit the required weekly reflections and timesheets cataloging the hours dedicated to weekly exploration no later than 9pm on Sunday during the 4-week duration of the experience. Please note the final week's  reflection is due on Friday, May 17th, by 6pm to accommodate for the Capstone Showcase on Monday, May 20th.

Step 6: Final Product and Student Showcase

At the end of the allotted time, students will create a tangible product (not a poster) that shows what they have learned, achieved, or created as a direct result of participation in the Senior Capstone Experience.  Students will formally present their final product to the Capstone Experience Committee for review at the Senior Capstone Experience Showcase on Monday, May 20th.


The Senior Capstone Experience replaces your final four weeks of course work in your classes. Failure to complete any components of the Senior Capstone Experience may result in a student needing summer credit recovery courses to receive their diploma.


Email Ms. Enos: 

or Ms. Pond:

Documents Folder: