
Space Inc: 10,000 Companies, $4T Value ... And 52% American. The 10,000+ companies in space technology have a combined value of over $4 trillion, according to the report. The resulting market expansion will drive the total value of the sector to $10 trillion by 2030, the report says.

Launch costs plummeting

Satellite boom: The satellite market makes up the largest slice of the space economy, at over 70%, and Citi says the sector "is undergoing a paradigm shift in demand."

Moon lunar gold rush: water, helium 3, rare earth minerals.  Moon base, lunar net, lunar gateway.  Blue Alchemist can make solar panels energy for the Moon.

Mars terraforming: moxie oxygen generator, fuel cells water generator, vertical farms.  There are also plentiful mineral resources on Mars including iron, titanium, nickel, aluminum, sulfur, chlorine and calcium.  Silicon dioxide is the most common material on Mars.  Martian soil, enables the production of hydrogen fuel and life-support oxygen on Mars through electrolysis of perchlorate brines.

There's a metal asteroid out there worth $10,000 quadrillion.  16 Psyche is one of the most massive objects in the main asteroid belt orbiting between Mars and Jupiter.

Jupiter's Moon Ganymede Has a Salty Ocean with More Water than Earth

Jupiter's moon Ganymede has 46%, and Europa has 16% liquid water by volume.

Scientists believe several moons within our solar system have significant subsurface liquid water deposits. Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa are two examples. Both appear to have salty, liquid oceans covered with thick layers of ice at the surface.

Titan moon's colossal methane seas. Measurements of a big sea on Titan, a moon of Saturn, show that it contains about 9,000 cubic km of mostly liquid methane. This huge volume is equivalent, say scientists, to about 40 times the proven reserves of oil and gas on Earth.

Charting the Milky Way From the Inside Out.  The results support the four-arm model of our galaxy's spiral structure. For the last few years, various methods of charting the Milky Way have largely led to a picture of four spiral arms. The arms are where most stars in the galaxy are born. They are stuffed with gas and dust, the ingredients of stars. Two of the arms, called Perseus and Scutum-Centaurus, seem to be more prominent and jam-packed with stars, while the Sagittarius and Outer arms have as much gas as the other two arms but not as many stars.

We find that the distance from the sun to the galaxy’s center is 8,150 + 150 parsecs (or 26,600 light-years). This is smaller than the value of 8,500 parsecs recommended decades ago by the International Astronomical Union. Also, we find that the Milky Way is spinning at 236 kilometers per second, which is about eight times the speed at which Earth orbits the sun. Based on these parameter values, we find that the sun circles the Milky Way every 212 million years.