FNMI Facilitator

The First Nations, Métis and Inuit Support Workers are critical members of the learning teams in many of our schools. Their main duties are:


For more information, please contact the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Support Worker in your child's school:

Kansas Provost

St. Francis Junior High School, Lethbridge - phone: 403-327-3402 (cell) 403-892-3846

Kristen Healy-Shade 

Ecole St. Mary School, Lethbridge (M/W/Th/F) - phone: 403-327-3098

Our Lady of the Assumption, Lethbridge (T) - phone: 403-327-5028

Traven Weasel Traveller

St. Paul School, Lethbridge (M/T/Th/F) - phone: 403-328-0611

St. Teresa of Calcutta, Lethbridge (W) - phone: 587-787-1490

Emily Fox

Catholic Central High School, Lethbridge - phone: 403-327-4596

Candace Bradford

Children of St. Martha School, Lethbridge - phone: 403-381-8110

Ken Fox

Father Leonard Van Tighem, Lethbridge (M/T/Th/F) - phone: 403-381-0953

St. Joseph School, Coaldale (W) - phone: 403-345-3373


St. Michael's School, Pincher Creek - phone: 403-627-3488