1. Line Following Competition

2. Rough Terrain Challenge

3. Robo Race Challenge

4.Robo Maze Competition

Line Following Competition

Round 1: Qualifying Round

- Round 1, the Qualifying Round, serves as the initial phase of the competition.

- During this round, all participating robots will follow a relatively simple and straightforward line course.

- The objective is to assess the basic line-following capabilities of each robot.

- Robots must complete the course within a reasonable time to qualify for the main competition rounds.

- Participants are allowed one attempt to demonstrate their qualification.

Round 2: Main Challenge

- Round 2, the Main Challenge, is where the competition intensifies with a slightly more complex line course.

- This course introduces some additional twists and turns to challenge the robots' line-following skills.

- Participants' robots will navigate through the course while maintaining precision and accuracy.

- Points are awarded based on the robot's ability to follow the line and complete the course successfully.

- The Main Challenge is designed to test the robots' capabilities in a more demanding environment compared to the Qualifying Round.

The goal of this competition is for a robot to meticulously trace a black line without ever deviating from it. The robot that successfully navigates the course with the utmost precision, completing it in the shortest time possible, will emerge as the winner.

Rough Terrain Challenge

Round 1:


Round 1 serves as the initial test of the robots' capabilities in navigating challenging terrains and overcoming fundamental obstacles. It provides participants with a foundation to showcase their robotic designs and control strategies.


Terrain Navigation:

Robots must successfully traverse diverse terrains, including sand dunes, rocky paths, and water pools.

Obstacle Course:

The course includes basic obstacles such as hurdles, ramps, and uneven surfaces.

Time Trial:

Robots are timed as they complete a predefined distance on the course.

Safety Focus:Adherence to safety guidelines is strictly monitored to ensure the well-being of all involved.

Round 2:


Round 2 raises the stakes by introducing more complex challenges and demanding a higher level of performance and innovation from the participating robots. It is designed to push the boundaries of what the robots can achieve in rough terrain.


Advanced Terrain: 

Robots must navigate even more challenging terrains, including steep inclines with a maximum gradient of 30°, deep gravel, and narrow passages.

Obstacle Mastery:

The obstacle course becomes more intricate with advanced obstacles like rotating platforms, unpredictable terrain shifts, and more

Time and Precision: 

Robots are evaluated not only on completion time but also on the precision and effectiveness with which they handle tasks.


Participants are presented with unexpected challenges during the course that require real-time problem-solving by the robots.


Robots should not have any sharp edges or exposed parts that could potentially harm participants, spectators, or other robots.


The robot's ability to navigate diverse terrains, overcome obstacles, and complete tasks will be evaluated.


The robot's consistency, stability, and robustness throughout the competition.

Speed and Efficiency: 

Completion time, accuracy, and effectiveness in completing challenges.

 Robo Race Challenge

Round 1: Speed Trial


In this initial round, robots will be tested for speed and agility.

The objective is to complete the course in the fastest time possible.

Damaging the track during this round will result in a time penalty of 2 seconds for each instance.

Robots that successfully complete the course without any damage gain 1 point.

Round 2: Precision Challenge

Round 2 introduces a precision challenge.

The objective is to navigate the track with accuracy and finesse.

Damaging the track during this round will still result in a time penalty of 4 seconds for each instance.

Robots that complete the course without any damage continue to gain 1 point.

Round 3: Final Sprint

The final round is a sprint to the finish line.

Speed is of the essence, and robots will compete for the fastest time.

No additional points are awarded in this round; it's all about achieving the shortest time possible.

Robo Maze Competition

Round 1: Simple Maze

In Round 1, robots will navigate through a straightforward maze.

The objective is to complete the maze in the shortest time.

The robot must follow a black line on a white surface using sensors or other detection mechanisms.

Round 2: Complex Maze

Round 2 introduces a more intricate maze challenge.

Participants must design and program their robots to navigate through this complex maze.

The robot's ability to tackle complex scenarios will be tested.

Round 3: Complex Looped Maze

The final round presents a challenging looped maze.

Robots will navigate through this looped maze, and their problem-solving skills will be put to the test.

The goal remains the same: Complete the maze in the fastest time.