
 Hackbattles are time-bound, intensive events where teams of developers, designers, and innovators collaborate to create innovative solutions.    Participants brainstorm, code, and build projects, ranging from software applications and websites to hardware prototypes, with the goal of addressing specific challenges or problems.   Click Hackbattle to know more.                                                                                                     HACKBATTLE 

     Machine learning workshop provides guidance on machine learning concepts and tools. Participants learn to work with datasets, build and train machine learning models, and understand how to evaluate their performance. These workshops aim to empower individuals with the skills to apply machine learning to real-world problems and data analysis.                                            


  Robothon is a competition where participants design, build, and program robots to complete specific tasks or challenges. It encourages innovation in robotics and automation, promoting problem-solving, engineering skills, and creativity. To know more click on Robothon                                      ROBOTHON 

  Elocution refers to the art of clear and expressive public speaking or the skill of delivering speeches, presentations, or readings effectively. Elocution training is often used to improve communication skills, boost confidence in public speaking, and enhance one's ability to engage and influence an audience.  To know more click on elocution                        ELOCUTION 

Event where individuals or teams of programmers or developers compete to solve programming challenges within a set time frame. Click below to know more. 


   An event that celebrates and showcases the diverse cultural traditions, and performances of a particular group of dances, singing and drama.                     CULTURAL NIGHT