Hinsdale South Percussion

Percussion Specialist

John Plate

Hinsdale South offers a Concert Percussion and Symphonic Percussion course that meet during the same period independently from their affiliated band class. The curriculum includes mallet and snare rudiment work. 

Concert Percussion is an entry level course. Students work collaboratively in percussion ensembles and individually on:

Symphonic Percussion is the second-level, auditioned percussion course. Students work collaboratively in percussion ensembles and individually on:

Recommended Equipment

These items may be purchased from the local music store or are available for purchase from HSHS

These items may be purchased from the local music store or are available for purchase from HSHS

Evans Real Feel 12 inch Double Sided Practice Pad (or 6 inch version as a lighter option)

Jazz Stick Bag

Jazz Sticks - Vic Firth American Classics 5A (Plastic Tip)

Metal Brushes

Hot Rod Sticks

Percussion Resources & Books

Vic Firth is a reputable company that values excellent music education through online resources, and sells quality percussion products.

Beginning textbooks to enhance daily practice  (Use with SmartMusic)

Alfred's Drum Method Complete - Sandy Feldstein & Dave Black

Rudimental Etudes and Warm-ups - Steve Murphy, Joe Testa, Kit Chatham

A Fresh Approach to Mallet Percussion - Mark Wessels

Like a wind player needs to know scales, percussionists need to be fluent in identifying and performing the 40 basic rudiments.

Begin by watching these introductory videos by Dave Atkinson.

Dave Atkinson is the drummer for the Canadian rock-band YUCA and has been teaching drums for more than 10 years, helping thousands of drum students reach their goals through FreeDrumLessons.com, DrumLessons.com, and as the community manager for Drumeo Edge.

Hinsdale South Drum Line Cadence Demo Videos

Jeremy Fung
