
How Can I Improve My Audition?

The first thing an audience hears, either audition judge or school concert, is your sound. Take lots of time listening, either on YouTube or go buy several CD's with professionals that your teacher recommends, and begin developing a characteristic tone in your head. Recording yourself is a great way to start hearing if your tone is improving. Audacity is free, downloadable recording software that is easy for anyone to use.

Second, making a good sound doesn't matter unless you put it in the right place. Focus on your ability to count with a metronome. Get used to the click by either purchasing SmartMusic and practicing with the audition etudes or by using your metronome at home.

Third, become very comfortable with standard rhythms and get as close to being able to read them the first or second time with great accuracy. Find standard method books or jazz books and practice sight reading. There is a great article titled, 5 Steps to Mastering Sight-Reading from

Fourth, any moment in life that asks you to give your best in a snapshot will naturally trigger some level of nerves or anxiety. Amateurs and professionals struggle with performance anxiety, but the performer needs to learn to deal with those mental and physical reactions and they differ for everyone. Frequently performing your prepared piece for family and friends is the best way to get the body and mind used to the performing experience.

Articles on how to overcome performance anxiety:

How to Take Ownership of an Audition

When Every Performance is Molto Agitato

Auditions - How to Overcome Stage Fright

Seven Essential Pieces of Advice for Young Musicians

What Was An Audition Like With Gilmore?  - School Band and Orchestra

Finally, the success that many of our Wind Ensemble students experience is not just luck or talent. Those students put in daily practice on the described concepts mentioned above along with diligent work on fundamentals that are specific to their instrument.

Doing anything in life that will set you apart from others requires patience and perseverance. We recommend developing a practice log with your teacher indicating where weak points are and how you plan to address them.

Good luck and happy practicing.

Mr. Goeke

Efficient Practice Articles

Effective Practice Techniques by Bud Herseth