Always seek to solve your own issue first. If you still need help, see the following leaders for help.
Band Problems: Student Leader
Attendance: Student Leader
Percussion Equipment Issues: Student Leader
Flag Issues: Guard Captains
Sheet Music/Drill: Canvas then Student Leader
Uniform Repair or Number: Quartermaster then Band Parent
Medical Problems: Director
Financial Challenges: Director
Instrument Checkout/Repair: Director
Attendance at scheduled concerts and performances is mandatory. Conflicts need to be addressed early by coaches, parents, directors and all involved in the absence. All absences must be reported to the director. Excused absences are reserved for family emergencies such as a death in the family/funeral or the student is ill. Students will need to have their parents leave a voicemail or an email with the director in advance. The student will receive 85% of the performance grade with the opportunity to make up the additional points.
Examples of unexcused absences are, but not limited to, homework, employment, family dinners or gatherings, drivers education etc. Anytime the student has mismanaged his or her calendar which results in missing rehearsal or performance. Notifying the director of an absence through email prior to the event, does not excuse it, unless it is an illness or death in the family. The student will receive 59% of the event’s grade with the ability to make up the points.
Fall Athletes involved in after school practice are encouraged to speak to the coaches early in the year and let them know the dates of marching rehearsals and performances. Our expectation is that the athlete leave practice a little early and are allowed to arrive a little late to marching practice. Rarely, rehearsals or performances will directly conflict with athletic events. When that occurs, speak with coaches and directors early about the conflicting date as soon is it is discovered. Many times the student will be able to participate in some or all of both events with a little planning and alternative arrangements for transportation.
In addition, points may be deducted for any of the following reasons: incomplete or incorrect uniform, tardiness, missing music or equipment, disruptive or inappropriate behavior. The director reserves the right to judge the infraction and the grade reduction.
Performances are equivalent to chapter-end tests in math class. They are the culmination of weeks of collective work and require every member of the ensemble. Just like in math class, if you miss the test you need to make it up. Therefore, there are many extra credit or performance opportunities available for students to make up missed points. It is imperative you check personal calendars against the band calendar at the beginning of the school year.
A large portion of our marching season is covered in the summer marching camp. Students are required to attend the scheduled rehearsals on the band calendar. These rehearsals will always be on the calendar a year in advance and we encourage families to observe those dates when scheduling vacations.
The Hornet band rehearses on Wednesday nights. This is our ONLY chance to rehearse with all band students and the expectation is that the student is present. Wednesday evening marching band rehearses after school from 5:30-8:30. It is a credited course and will therefore follow the high school attendance and gym exemption policies.
Fall Athletes involved in after school practice are encouraged to speak to the coaches early in the year and let them know the dates of marching rehearsals. Our expectations are that the athlete leave practice a little early and are allowed to arrive a little late to marching practice.
The district Code of Conduct will be in effect at all scheduled band activities including on and off campus.
Examples of disciplinary options contained under each level of misbehavior will be interpreted by the directors, staff and building level administrators whenever necessary.
Disrespect of any staff member, parent volunteer or fellow student will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
Students are to remain in designated areas during ALL scheduled band activities. Any departures or absences, without prior permission from the director(s), are grounds for disciplinary action and/or loss of participation points from the band grade.
Always conduct yourself in a manner that brings credit to you, your family, your community, and your school, and such that you are a positive reflection of the proud traditions of Hinsdale South High School.
Refrain from the use of tobacco, drinking of alcoholic beverages, or the use of drugs.
Be loyal, honest, courteous and sportsmanlike in all dealings with your band director, band staff, fellow band members and chaperones.
Refrain from the use of foul language and negative comments. This reflects you, your family and your work ethic.
Adult chaperones are available to assist you. They must receive your complete cooperation and respect.
Watch, listen, and cooperate with adult and student leaders during band functions.
Special care should be taken of personal equipment. The quality of music and overall performance of the band relies on the condition of your equipment/instrument.
Be at the right place, at the right time for all band activities with the proper equipment, attire, and attitude.
All rules remain consistent with District Policy. A well-defined and executed rehearsal technique has a direct impact on the success of the group. It is expected that all band members adhere to the following rehearsal etiquette:
Be in the right place at the right time with the right equipment. You should have the following items with you at all rehearsals:
Pencil; you will need to write several things down on your music and drill at rehearsal. It is very difficult to remember everything from rehearsal to rehearsal.
Drill chart for the current show and attendance block. These items are PDF’s online and can be printed in case of misplacement.
Appropriate footwear. Wearing anything other than gym shoes makes performing the glide step correctly difficult.
Talking during rehearsal must be kept to a minimum. There are many band members and limited staff and they should not be expected to speak over you. Questions or comments are encouraged but should be conducted at the appropriate time. You will be given breaks for water and rest.
Always rehearse in the same manner you perform. Never expect a quality performance to come together only on the day of a show. Always look to your student leaders for horn angle, body posture etc.
Rehearsal etiquette/respect is the same regardless of the conductor.
How the band sounds is just as important as how we look. We expect students to practice their individual part.
Positive and negative attitudes are contagious. You are expected to exhibit a positive and cooperative attitude at all times.
Cell phones are unnecessary during a marching rehearsal. Carrying it in a pocket may inhibit the execution of proper marching technique. Leave it in a locked band locker.
Football Games, Parades, Grand Openings
Do not be late. Read the board/screen and follow directions.
March to and from the stadium with pride! The uniform is to be worn PROPERLY at all times. Your performance begins with the parade block anywhere outside the band room and does not end until instructed to do so by a Director or Drum Major. There should be limited talking while marching to and from events and heads should be facing forward.
You may not eat or drink in your uniform except for water. Accidents will occur unexpectedly that may soil, stain, or permanently damage your uniform. You will be instructed at performance as to when it is appropriate to remove your band jacket and get something to eat.
Running in uniform is prohibited; it is out of character, and shows a lack of respect for the uniform and the organization.
Do not lean or sit on anything that will soil, tear or snag your uniform.
While at a performance, it is imperative that you sit with your designated section. This not only gives the band a uniform look, but it is crucial in maintaining a well-balanced and consistent sound.
There are to be no visitors in the stands during a football game. Only Might Hornet Marching Band members, chaperones, band managers, and District Staff are allowed in the band’s stands. This is important from the standpoint of your safety. There are no exceptions unless the director gives permission.
Never polish your instrument or shoes while in uniform. Shoes should be clean and free of dirt, mud, or other marks.
The general rule of thumb is that if you have any questions as to if you should or should not be doing something in uniform, DON’T DO IT! When you are wearing the uniform, you are not looked upon by others as an individual, but rather as a member of the Hornet marching band. Most of the spectators and band members from other districts who see you behind the scenes will form their opinion of the ENTIRE BAND from their opinion of how you behave in uniform. This also carries over when you are wearing any Hornet attire, or anytime that you are outwardly representing the Hornet Marching Band.
The Mighty Hornet Marching Band, through the generosity of the D86 administration, purchased a collection of uniforms and has been gracious enough to continue to supply the band with additional uniforms as the band has grown. We are very LUCKY to have such high quality uniforms and it is the obligation of every single student, parent and staff member to assist in the maintenance and care of this costly investment. Any deliberate abuse of this privilege will result in consequences that may include financial penalties and/or grade reductions. The directors reserve the right to judge what behavior in uniform is unacceptable.
The consumption of food or beverages, excluding water, not handed out by band staff or parents while in uniform is STRICTLY forbidden, unless distributed by band parents, student leaders, or directors.
When not being worn, the uniform is to be hung correctly and stored in the closets below the school auditorium.
When accessories are not being worn (gloves, shoes, plumes etc.), they should be placed in appropriate storage containers to avoid damage or misplacement.
If a marching band member is in uniform, then they are to be IN uniform. In other words, unzipped coats, shakos on backwards or at a tilt, and non-DrillMaster shoes are not acceptable.
While it may be necessary to wear two pairs of socks depending on the weather, the outer pair should be black dress socks that extend past the calf. Socks of any other color or size are not permitted.
Sweatshirts or jackets are not to be worn outside of the marching uniform unless the directors or drum majors give you permission.
Personal Appearance:
Long hair (males or females) should be bundled securely and “up” within the confines of the shako, with no loose strands in the face.
Visible jewelry is not permitted. Earrings and all necklaces should be removed prior to public performances.
Instrument and Flags
The Hinsdale South band program will provide the following instruments, free of charge, to its members: mellophones, baritones, horns, euphoniums, sousaphones, tenor saxophones, marching percussion and any accessories that are used for color guard. Drummers will be asked to purchase sticks and wind players will be asked to purchase mouthpieces, reeds and ligatures. The band may also have a limited supply of other band instruments for its member to use. Check with the Directors about the availability of an instrument. These instruments must be checked out to you prior to band camp and you will be held responsible for their playing condition during the season.
Please notify the director immediately if there is any damage to a school owned instrument. IF the damage has happened through no fault of the student, a charge will not be applied. If damage occurs to a school-owned instrument due to negligence or mistreatment, the student will be assessed damage fees.
Under no circumstances are any students that are not assigned a school instrument to pick up, carry, or play a school-owned instrument. This is for your protection and the student’s protection that the instrument is assigned. If you see someone that is not assigned an instrument playing or carrying an instrument, please notify a director immediately.
Proper care of all instruments (personal and school-owned) during the marching season is essential. It is impossible to present a musical performance on an instrument with sticky slides, bad pads, split reeds, or chipped mouthpieces. Also, be aware that many students bring their own instruments to play in the band. When in the stands, treat all instruments with the same respect as if the instrument belonged to you. We highly recommend that brass instruments and mouthpieces be flushed periodically to remove accumulated dirt and grime. There is no excuse for not keeping your instrument in good playing condition.
Every member will be given a copy of the drill chart. It is your responsibility to find your drill number on the chart and familiarize yourself with not only your coordinate on the field, but to understand the overall structure of the drill and how you fit in. Extra copies of the drill will be available at if you happen to misplace your copy. You are expected to have the current drill with you during marching rehearsal. In the event that edits need to be made, you are required to have access to these materials at every rehearsal, even after the music and drill are memorized.
When new drill is issued, you will be given time in class to appropriately mark your music indicating when, where and how you are supposed to move. Section leaders will be periodically asked to check this for a grade.
Each student is expected to own their instruments version of a flip book and lyre. Each Spring, an electronic order form is available through the website for ordering flipbooks and lyres. If you misplace or damage your flip book, you will be asked to go to the music store and replace unusable equipment.
Music is issued at the beginning of the marching season and students are expected to put music in their flip books immediately. If music is misplaced, it is the responsibility of the student to make copies of missing music from a section member or to email a director to receive a new packet and print what they need.
The directors are in charge of administering the total musical and visual marching band program.
The drum majors are directly responsible to the directors and have specific responsibilities assisting in the drilling of the band and in rehearsal and performances. Auditions for Drum Major will be held in spring for the following marching season. All Drum Majors must attend an educational camp during the summer which will be paid for by the Music Boosters.
The student leaders will be appointed through the recommendation of the directors and an online application. Sections leaders are responsible for their specific units or sections of the band. Section Leaders will be outstanding marchers, peer teachers and leaders. They are to help maintain order during all events, submit requests for necessary equipment and props to staff members, and to act as peer leaders; both on and off the rehearsal field.
You! The individual band member is the backbone of the organization — the one who sees that tasks get accomplished. You are the future leaders of this organization.