Rosalind Henwood Early Childhood Learning Center


(updated 7/24/20)

Our primary focus is to ensure the students of the Rosalind Henwood Early Childhood Learning Center have the opportunity to learn on the school campus, in a healthy and safe environment. The social emotional growth of our students, cognitive growth, as well as their growth in Torah learning and middot, will continue to be our priority.

Fully on Campus Classes with Social Distancing
Based on our already smaller class sizes in the Rosalind Henwood Early Childhood Learning Center, we will offer a program that looks and feels very similar to the pre-COVID state. However, in order to ensure the highest level of health safeguards, and with the advice of health consultants, the following differences are planned:

  • Increased scheduled sanitizing and disinfecting throughout the day, and deep cleaning at night

  • Mask to be worn by all staff and students as appropriate by age

  • Specials, other than PE, taking place in the EC classrooms

  • A rotation of outdoor playtime to distribute numbers of children in outdoor spaces with sanitizing equipment in between use

  • Playground time will be one class at a time and the large structure will not be used. This type of play and movement is so important for their development.

  • Oneg and other communal events will take place outdoors to enable children to spread out or online in classrooms using technology

  • Phase-in and Home Visits: It is so important for student this age to have a chance to orient themselves to their new teachers, classroom environments, and peers. We will therefore continue to have a modified phase-in/orientation as well as socially distanced home visits.

  • Language Development: We are looking into clear masks so that students will be able to see their teachers mouths and facial expressions as they learn language skills.

  • Swimming: We will not be offering swimming for EC at this time.

*Remote Access: If there are families who do not feel comfortable sending their children onto campus, or students who may need to temporarily quarantine, students will be able to join our live classes from home.

If for reasons beyond our control, we are unable, for some period of time, to operate fully on campus the following plan would be put in place.

We recognize the challenge of operating our early childhood program via distance learning. Therefore, we would offer select, optional programming (such as weekly Oneg via Zoom, project packets, videos for students to watch at their own pace, and daily tefillah) but no formal school program.

  • For the first 15 (cumulative) school days of such a closure, there would be no change in tuition fees

  • For each day thereafter, we would be offering a credit of 90% of your paid tuition fees

We are also exploring the possibility of adding on-campus make-up days. If any were to be scheduled, they would essentially reduce the number of days eligible for the refund mentioned above.