
Visit the division pages for more information about Early Childhood, Elementary School and Middle School models.

We are very excited to get back onto our campus fully this coming fall with all of our students! Our primary focus is to ensure that our students are provided with the opportunity to learn in an in-person school environment with engagement and individualized attention that are hallmarks of our program. The social emotional and cognitive growth of our students, as well as their growth in Torah learning and middot, will continue to be at the core of all that we do.

To be clear, at this time there is no intention to start the school year with a hybrid model or distance learning. We have reconfigured our campus to accommodate all of our students on campus in compliance with social distancing protocols. To be prepared, however, we have contingency plans for a continuum of educational models that will enable us to shift to a hybrid model or use distance learning if it becomes necessary at any point over the course of the year. We are also working to improve our distance learning platform and teacher training in use of this platform should we need to shift in this direction.

Should we need to use the remote distance learning platform, it would be housed on "Virtual KHDS" once again and accessed through Google Classroom and also via the Zoom platform. The daily schedule would mimic your child’s daily schedule as if they were physically on campus.

Improvements have been made in order to ensure materials will be more easily accessible and every effort will be made to distribute materials in advance should the need arise for distance learning. Teachers will be providing more individualized attention and instruction in addition to the class-wide Zooms.

The three school divisions will operate, age appropriately, in different manners, however will all provide students with the highest standards of Judaic and general studies.

*Class sizes will be guided by Governor’s Executive Order updates, the local health department, and CDC guidelines.

(updated 7/24/20)

BEGINNING OF THE YEAR ASSESSMENTS: As with any start to the year, teachers will be assessing their students to see where their skills are in the different subject areas. However, this year especially, teachers will be focused on beginning of the year assessments to find where students stand with regards to skills and understanding.

REMOTE ACCESS: This will be available for parents who are not comfortable sending their children to campus. Students will join live classes from home and have a view of the teacher and the board.

SUPPLIES: Student supply list will be updated by the first week of August. All educational materials will be printed and distributed to families in advance should there be a distance learning scenario.

CLASS SCHEDULES: Schedules will be followed as typically in the past with a few added breaks.

LUNCH: (updated 8/23/20)Lunches will take place inside classrooms or outdoors (as guidelines allow). Hot lunch will be wrapped up and delivered to classrooms. Parents can send in reusable lunch boxes, containers, and water bottles. However, please note that this year we will not have a lost and found for these items. Therefore, any items left behind will be immediately disposed of.

BREAKS: Breaks will be frequent.

SPECIALS: Specials other than PE will be via Zoom

PE: PE will take place outside (adhering to guidelines). A rotation schedule for outdoor play will be made to distribute the number of children outdoors.

ONEGS, PROGRAMS AND COMMUNAL EVENTS: These programs will be held via Zoom however some events may be held outside based on health guidelines and weather.

AFTER-SCHOOL KTP AND SPORTS PROGRAMS: For the time being we will not be running these programs. We will revisit this after the Chaggim.

DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP: Every individual coming onto campus will need to be screened. If a child comes late to school, a parent must call the front desk and wait for the child to be screened. Students will not be able to walk onto campus without a parent. In addition we strongly suggest that families only carpool with immediate family members to reduce the risk of cohort cross-contamination. Dismissal will take place at 3:40pm Mon-Thurs for all students, including Middle School.

OUTSIDE THERAPISTS: At this point, outside therapists will not be able to come onto campus.

TECHNOLOGY: Students will have 1:1 device from 2nd - 8th grade. Devices in Kindergarten and 1st grade will be sanitized between usage. We will be providing digital citizenship training to students at the start of the year.

COMMUNICATIONS: All communications and announcements will be through Google Classroom.

TEACHING STYLE: Teaching in the classrooms will take on a more frontal approach as centers will be impossible due to social distancing and health related regulations. Virtual 1:1 check-ins between teachers and students will take place via Zoom.

TRAINING: Teachers have been taking classes to become more familiar with Google Classroom and Zoom. We will also offer training for parents.

ROLE OF ASSISTANT TEACHERS: Assistant teachers will remain in the role of assistance for this year. The lead teacher will be the primary person responsible for the class and curriculum.

STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES: Will look different this year as KHDS, requiring much closer supervision and increased responsibilities among staff such as screening for which staff will be trained.

BIRTHDAY PARTIES: Parents may send an enclosed package of food for a birthday. Parents, however, will not be able to attend in person at this time.

MENTAL HEALTH: The mental health of our students and teachers is paramount. Drs. Dorfman and Carmel will be presenting programs, communicating with families and students where there might be concerns or issues.