Terps not Terfs

a trans-led cannabis brand

by Andrea Flowers

Terps not Terfs

I've followed Andrea for a few years and have admired her dedication to making the cannabis space an inclusive environment. Andrea has helped me and countless others be a better ally to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Andrea's commitment to creating an inclusive space in the cannabis industry is truly inspiring. Her tireless efforts have helped to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and have encouraged others to become more involved in promoting diversity and inclusion. Thanks to Andrea's leadership, the cannabis space is becoming a more welcoming and accepting place for everyone.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Andrea about the new line of Cryptid clothing and artwork, as well as her involvement with Terps not Terfs.

Andrea is an incredibly talented artist who has always been fascinated by cryptids, which are creatures that are rumored to exist but have not been proven by science. She decided to combine her love of cryptids with her passion for art by creating a line of clothing and artwork inspired by these mysterious creatures.

But Andrea's work is not just about creating something beautiful. She is also a strong advocate for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and has been involved with Terps Not Terfs, a movement that aims to promote inclusivity and equality for transgender individuals.

What is the story behind Terps not Terfs?

Terps not Terfs actually all started when I was working at one of the Tokyo Smoke coffee shops in 2018. I was explaining the intersectionality of cannabis and being trans, then suddenly felt compelled to say the phrase, as it felt like something that could be chanted at a rally or protest!  It began as a motto, then a hashtag, and eventually I wanted to see these words on every piece of clothing and every accessory so that no matter where we were, or which event we attended, we could protest the hate that's perpetrated against us regularly. From there I took my love for graphic design, applied it to the brand and began building a portfolio I hoped would resonate with people. Which brings us to where we are now!

What inspired your new line of shirts? I’ve never seen anyone do what you’ve done!

My inspiration for this recent collection stems from a secret love of all things cryptid, that very few people in my life actually know about, haha. I've been obsessed with cryptids ever since I heard about Bigfoot as a kid, knowing that this legendary "myth-based" creature could be found in my country's backyard just sealed the deal. I feel like kids who are seen as "weird" growing up often relate to the cryptid experience, but I think that's probably a conversation for a different article, haha.

The prompt for this collection was "what if we could smoke weed with our favourite cryptids" and from there I just loved the outcome being "not exactly what we had hoped for." This idea that Bigfoot is a chronic lighter thief, or that Nessie is keeping a hoard of munchies under Loch Ness, and that Mothman is so jaded by his midwest fame that he gives you a branded t-shirt every time you see him. I just love the absurdity of it all, and being able to infuse my queerness, my love of cannabis and my love for cryptids together into art brings me so much joy.

What's your favourite design thus far?!

I would have to say my favourite design so far would be "I Smoked Weed With Mothman" not just because I love how the illustration turned out, but because I got to flip the script with Mothman's story a little. I made the decision to give him top surgery scars as an homage to anyone who's undergone that procedure and to reinforce that "trans men are men" in the same way that "Mothman is MothMAN" no matter what his story entails.

I do also want to add that some of my absolute favourite designs haven't even been released yet! One example includes some designs from a collection I'll be calling the "Faux Films Archive" which will be a series of movie merch from cannabis-themed films that will probably never exist. I plan on developing small parts of each script and in some cases, mock movie trailers as promo for these launches as well. So be on the lookout for those in the near future!


What's your current favourite cannabis products?!

Right now, the things getting me through day are Queen SanG and CBD God Bud X by Reef Organic. Organic cannabis has been such a saviour for me lately as the smoke is generally smoother and the high is a lot clearer.

CBD God Bud X has a 1:2 ratio which helps me with a lot of the anxieties I'm faced with some days, and combats that loss of appetite as well as those sleepless nights. This is especially a great strain for me when my hormone cycle is in it's peak period and my tolerance is low.

Queen SanG gives me this slight boost of energy that I don't get from many other strains. It's brain buzzy but doesn't make my eyes cross and is perfect for when I'm battling through an inspirational block.

Other than that, CBG!!!! Any and all things CBG. I think this cannabinoid has so much potential and I really just want to see more of it on the market. For me, it elevates my mood, gives me an odd confidence boost and really helps on days when my dysphoria is off the rails!