Cannabis & Pregnancy ; A Personal View

Cannabis & pregnancy;

Manda Mae 


“I found out I was pregnant 4 weeks in, my first instinct was to get midwives and talk to them immediately about my relationship with cannabis. I’ve smoked cannabis since the early age of 16, it’s been something that has helped me cope with PTSD, anxiety and ED and is still something I use for these reasons to this day. 

Pregnancy came with some different challenges like morning sickness, food aversions and heightened anxiety and after looking at the medications prescribed during pregnancy for these issues, I decided to look further into my cannabis journey as it was something I was more familiar and comfortable with.

I started by cutting out large amounts of THC and leaned towards CBD, CBG and CBN dominant products which made me feel calm without the heavy feeling of being “high” and also helped me achieve a proper appetite while curving my morning sickness to keep myself and my pregnant belly happy & fed. My midwives & OBGYN advocated for me, monitoring my every move to make sure I felt like I was doing what was ultimately right for myself in a safe manner. I used cannabis up until the day of my delivery and have been blessed with a 6.5lb beautiful, healthy, baby boy who is already hitting milestones ahead of his curve at just 7 months already. The studies on cannabis & pregnancy are almost nonexistent. Past studies have been fairly inconclusive, and often use members of our most marginalized sections of society to push a narrative that doesn’t paint the whole picture. 

I still cannot advise using cannabis during pregnancy but I do advise advocating for yourself, doing what’s best for you and being open with your health care providers. I’m hoping my story can help those who may feel stigmatized in this area, as I know first hand how it feels. Pregnancy is hard enough, no one should be passing judgement on what mama knows best for herself & baby."