Meet LOTW Bud! 


AKA Lake of the Woods Buds. Based in beautiful Kenora Ontario. 

Interview with Julia from LOTW Bud Co: A Story of Passion, Hard Work and Teamwork.

Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with Julia, a remarkable individual whose enthusiasm and dedication to the cannabis plant are truly inspiring. Apart from being the CFO, Alternate Master Grower, and Media Liaison, she's also a devoted mother!

Julia and her partner are the epitome of craft cannabis, having self-funded their venture. They cleared the land, constructed the facility, and currently grow and manage the cannabis operation! Their mutual love for the plant and for one another is evident in the thriving cannabis plants they produce. They are the embodiment of teamwork and an excellent example for all.

Their dedication to producing high-quality, sustainable cannabis is admirable. Julia and her partner prioritize the health and well-being of their plants, using  environmentally-friendly methods, and always striving to improve their techniques. Their passion for the plant extends beyond just growing it, as they also prioritize educating others on the benefits and potential uses of cannabis. Julia and her partner are not just successful entrepreneurs, but also advocates for the cannabis industry and the positive impact it can have on individuals and communities.

Julia reffered to the facility as their "Willy Wonka Machine" and it's the best descrption I've heard of a micro facility yet. 

Julia and her partner have a deep understanding of the benefits of cannabis and how it can be used to improve people's lives. They believe that everyone should have access to high-quality cannabis products, and they work tirelessly to ensure that this vision becomes a reality. Their dedication to the industry has earned them respect from their peers and admiration from their customers.

They understand that a well-regulated industry can benefit everyone involved, from growers and producers to consumers and the wider community. They are committed to promoting responsible use of cannabis and educating the public about its potential benefits.

Overall, Julia and her partner are true leaders in the cannabis industry, who are making a positive impact on the world around them. Their passion, dedication, and commitment to creating a better future for everyone is truly inspiring, and they serve as a shining example of what can be achieved when you combine vision, hard work, and a desire to make a difference.

Exciting News About Julia and LOTW Bud: A New Venture into Gardening Supplies!
Did you know that Julia, the mastermind behind LOTW Buds, has branched out into the world of gardening supplies? Living in a rural area can make it difficult for herself and other growers to obtain materials and supplies for their gardens, so Julia has taken the initiative to open a small garden center to assist her fellow growers. Regardless of what you're growing, she has something that caters to every type of gardener!

Or on their website at