
Attendance and Pupil Absences

Good attendance is vital if pupils are to achieve their full potential and absences during term time can significantly impact on achievement. The Scottish Government and the Highland Council have issued very clear guidelines on this and schools are required to keep an attendance register by law.

The school term dates are set and published well in advance on the school website and Highland Council websites, or copies are available from the school office. 

Parents/carers must contact the school as soon as possible if their child is absent from school or nursery by leaving a message on the school answer phone on 01397 712914, or by sending a message to the class teacher on Class Dojo. In the interests of child safety, please note that if we have not heard about the reason for a child’s absence by 9.30am we try to contact the child’s home by telephone. If no contact can be made, a record will be noted. If the child is still absent after 3 days and no contact can be made with the parent, the details have to be forwarded to the Care and Learning Office.

Please remember that on the child’s return to school for any reason of absence, it is important that you inform their class teacher of  the reasons for not being at school. For pupils who are to be taken out of school for a reason other than illness, eg for an appointment or holiday, a note must be provided prior to the absence. 

Attendance Policy March 2023 v2.pdf

Highland Council Attendance Policy