Primary 3/4

 💫 2023-24 ⭐

 Termly Organisers

P3/4 T1 2023-24 Termly Organiser.docx

Term 1

P3/4 2023-24 Termly Organiser Term 2

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Show and Tell Rota

Show and Tell Rota for Term 2

Maths: Symmetry

We learned about symmetry by creating these beautiful butterflies! 🦋


P3/4 T1 Termly Organiser.docx

Term 1


P3/4 2022-23 Termly Organiser Term 2

Term 2


P3/4 2022-23 Termly Organiser Term 3

Term 3


P3/4 2022-23 Termly Organiser Term 4

Term 4


Primary 2/3 information 2021-22

T4 P2/3 Termly Organiser.docx

Term 4 


T3 P2/3 Termly Organiser Template.docx

Term 3


P2/3 2021-22 Termly Organsier Term 2

Term 2 Curriculum Overview

You can find out about planned learning in Term 2 2021-22 by clicking on the document on the right.

T1 P2/3 Termly Organiser Template.docx

Term 1 2021-22

You can find out about planned learning in Term 1 2021-22 by clicking on the document on the right.

2020-2021 Session

Termly Organiser Term 3 - for parents

Term 4

Overview of Planned Learning in Class

January 2021 Remote Learning 

Week beginning Monday 11 January 2021

Weekly  plans, tasks and resources will be shared in the Google Classroom and the Meet link will be used for our daily catch-up sessions. All timetabling information and links will be contained within the weekly plan, which will be shared on Friday afternoon. 

If you are having trouble accessing Google Classroom, please contact me on Class Dojo or email

January 2021

The school will be open for children of key workers and vulnerable children from Wednesday 6 January, 2021.   For all other children online remote learning will commence on Monday 11 January, 2021.  

 If you need support with Google Classroom or home learning please contact the class teacher, Heather Thomson,

P2/3 2020-21 Termly Organsier Term 1

Termly Organiser Term 1 

Our planned learning for term 1

Outdoor Adventure 

Thursday 10 September 2020

Putting up tents

Making Smores

Climbing trees

Painting rocks

Playing together


Place Value Treasure Hunt!

Outdoor learning, exploration, creativity & play!

On Monday afternoon, Laura from Outward Bound taught the class some team building and communication games. It was a lot of fun and everyone joined in really well! 

We've enjoyed sunny picnic lunches on the field at the start of the week too!

Regardless of the weather, we will continue to be outdoors lots, so please do check the forecast and wear clothes suitable for the weather. Thank you!

w/b 31.8.20 


This week, we are learning about place value and how numbers are made. We've been doing lots of practice outside together, using a variety of different materials. 

I have investigated how whole numbers are constructed, can understand the importance of zero within the system and can use my knowledge to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value. MNU 1-02a

Literacy: Writing

Monster Descriptions

We designed our own monsters in detailed drawings.

Then we used adjectives to describe the monsters.

An adjective is a describing word. This was a really fun lesson!

Friday 28th August 2020

Go Noodle Brain Breaks

We love Poppin' Bubbles on Go Noodle! The song is so fun and so is the dance. Mrs T loves to join in too! 

Thursday 27th August 2020

After we have worked hard for a chunk of time, we stop and have a brain and movement break.

This helps to keep our brains focused. 

Creating Our Class Charter 2020

Creating our Class Charter 

Week beginning 17.8.20

By exploring the ways in which we use and need rules, I can consider the meaning of rights and responsibilities and discuss those relevant to me. SOC 1-17a

Click on the picture above to see a bigger version of the UNCRC posters.

Brainstorming how we can make sure everyone has their rights respected.

Our finished charter!

Everyone has signed the charter to say they agree to try their best to be respectful of everyone's rights.

P.E. in class - Let's Dance! So much fun!

Friday 21st August 2020

Art - Self Portraits

I can create and present work using the visual elements of line, shape, form, colour, tone, pattern and texture. EXA 1-03a 

Materials - paper and charcoal

Live Google Meet tutorial with Ali Berardelli 

We had a brilliant morning, creating self portraits with pencil and charcoal. Huge thanks to Ali for the materials and brilliant lesson on Google Meet. We learned lots about proportion and how important it is when drawing faces; I think the children did a really good job of this 👌🏼🌟😃

Thursday 20th August 2020

Playground Masterpieces

We are class P2/3!