Primary 6/7 were visited by Kate Forbes MSP on Friday 8 December to share the persuasive letters they had written to her, campaigning for measures to be taken in order to reduce the speed limit on the main road outside the school. The pupils have also written to BEAR Scotland, Highland Council Road Department and the Community Police Officer to ask for their support in making changes to the road, such as speed cameras, speed bumps or other traffic calming measures. 

You can see some of the letters the pupils wrote by clicking here

Our Dance Platform Team in the News!

December 2023

P6/7 Paired Reading Sessions with P1-3

Every Friday morning after assembly, Primary 6/7 work with small groups of P1-3 pupils to share reading and phonics skills. This is enjoyed by all and is an excellent opportunity to share our love of reading and books! 📚😁

We are the Digital Leaders!

We are going to be sharing news from across the school and sharing our skills with younger students.

P6/7 Class Enterprise - Making Homemade Apple Chutney

Ingredients for Chutney

We were using apples from the school grounds, also onions, spices, and brown sugar for the chutney.

Making chutney 

This is one of our class mates Victor, he was stirring the chutney. We were making chutney for our MacMillan coffee afternoon.