
Additional Support Needs 

All children and young people need support to help them learn. Play helps staff meet a diverse range of needs. However, some children and young people will require support that is additional to, or different from, that received by others of the same age. There are many reasons why children and young people may need support. 

Staged Intervention 

This is a structured process used to identify the level of support required to meet the learning needs of an individual child or young person.  The staged intervention model in Highland has four stages. A child’s progress is regularly reviewed and they may move between stages.

Individualised Educational Programmes

An individualised educational programme (IEP) is a written document that outlines the steps to be taken to help a child or young person with additional support needs to achieve specified learning outcomes.

Find out more about individualised educational programmes (PDF file).

Getting it right for every child 

Schools will also be aware of, and will use, the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) approach to make sure that all the people who support your child work together to give you and your child the right help at the right time.