Daily Routine

Settling in

At Invergarry ELC, we foster a nurturing environment, building on home experiences. We strive to build a relationship with both parent and child to ensure a smooth transition.  

You can contact us either by phone or email to make enquiries before or during enrolment. Your child will have the opportunity to visit for a morning, the term before they start. You can discuss your child's needs and any relevant information with staff.  

When your child starts nursery staff will be on hand to help to settle your child.  You will be able to play alongside your child until they are confident to stay. 

ELC pupils are not entitled  to transport. 

List of what to bring to ELC

Bag with change of clothes

Indoor shoes

Water bottle

Suitable clothing for the weather i.e. waterproof clothes/wellies

Daily Routine  

Morning Arrival

Nursery is open from 9:00 am with a flexible start time. Parents/carers can come in with your child and encourage them to be independent in the cloak room, changing shoes, hanging their coat up and putting their picture up on the sign in wall. Staff will be there to welcome your child and have a chat.  Parents/ carers sign the register before leaving. This  also gives you an opportunity to discuss anything with staff.


Children can free flow between indoor and outdoor spaces with activities such as  fine motor skill activities, painting, messy play, crafts, construction and role play available

Snack time


Children are encouraged to come and help prepare for snack  time with tasks such as setting the table, cutting up fruit and vegetables, composting and pouring their own drinks. This helps with  socialisation and independence  skills 

Free flow Play/outside in the school grounds/walk

The children may choose to engage in activities or we may go for a walk such as along the river path, a trip to the playpark or a play in the school grounds/woods


Time for a quiet get together time where rhymes, a story or a song is shared and new ones are introduced.



Children wash their hands, collect their coloured lunch wrist band and line up to go to the canteen for lunch


Daily toothbrushing takes place after lunch 

Free flow play indoors and out/movement/activity

The pace of the afternoon session varies as often we try to create a quiet calm afternoon where the children may join in with cosmic yoga, a table top game, books and such.

Tidy up time/ getting ready for home time

The children are encouraged to help tidy up and get ready for hometime. They may also have story while they are waiting

Home time

Nursery finishes at 3:00pm every day.  If you need to collect your child earlier or wish for a different collecting time, please arrange with staff beforehand 

Visitors/Library van 

From time to time, we have visitors in such as the Oral Support worker, a post person, and such. Every 3 weeks on a Tuesday, the library  van also visits . You will be informed of these  upcoming visits on Dojo 

Outings and planned trips

To enhance the children's  experiences, support the curriculum, being part of our community and celebrating the end of the summer term, the children will have planned outings and trips which we will inform you off and seek permission in advance