Haddon Heights Parent Teacher Group
Education - Partnership - Community
We are looking forward to an amazing 2023-2024 school year!
Goals for the 2023-2024 Academic Year:
Provide support to, and foster communication between, parents and educators
Hold events and programs that improve social connection and school identity for students
Fundraise to support these goals
Membership includes all parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, and other support personnel of the Haddon Heights Elementary Public Schools.
We thank you for your ongoing support, collaboration, and enthusiasm!
Mary Ann Anderson & Robin Baker - Presidents
Julie Maher - VP of Finance
Anna Fielding & Morgan Nastasi - VPs of Fundraising
Lauren Fritsky & Lauren Parker - VPs of Community Outreach
Jenna Brill Cadwell & Candace Green - VPs of Education Programs
The HH PTG 2023-2024 Executive Board