SkillsUSA Overview

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce.  SkillsUSA serves teachers, high school and college students by providing quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communications skills. It emphasizes total quality at work—high ethical standards, superior work skills, life-long education, and pride in the dignity of work. SkillsUSA also promotes understanding of the free-enterprise system and involvement in community service.  

SkillsUSA offers local, state and national opportunities for students can to learn and practice personal, workplace and technical skills. These three components comprise the SkillsUSA Framework, a blueprint for career readiness. Local chapters conduct a full program of work and many students also attend a district or state conference.  SkillsUSA is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a successful model of employer-driven youth development training.  For more information visit or

UGHS SkillsUSA chapter focuses on community service, social activities and competitions.  Any student enrolled in a career and technical class can join SkillsUSA. 

Joining SkillsUSA 

To join SkillsUSA at Union Grove High School, you must complete the following steps:

1) Fill out the Union Grove SkillsUSA Membership Form.  This provides information about you and a parent/guardian to the Union Grove advisor.

2) Navigate to the SkillsUSA Registration Site.  Select Georgia (High School/Middle) and enter this code: C0115.  Then complete the required information.  This is the ONLY way a student can be entered as a member on the registration site to become an official SkillsUSA member.

3) Pay the membership fee of $30 (cash or check) - $20  (cash or check) if paid after 9/15/2023

SkillsUSA Local, State and National Events

To view more information on any of the activities below, click on the link and you will be directed to the SkillsUSA Georgia or SkillsUSA national website page for each activity.